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Everything posted by TOMORROWNEVERCAME

  1. Ok this might be out of context but I just watched Lana's performance from tonight and OTTR has me so SHOOK. I was sweating and crying all over, this is the best performance EVER recorded. It's official, I'm trying my best to go to Lollapalooza Paris this summer!!!!!!
  2. lfl comes out in the middle of my summer break, not complaining! other than that, we finally have some answers... which feels great! I'm having a good day you guys, slowly accepting july 21
  3. Ohhhh is the Rick Nowels version anywhere? A few people talked about wanting it to leak. Thanks!!
  4. What's the story with Ultraviolence though? Second time I hear about it today
  5. hmmmmm you're right, but in my opinion LDR ft....... isn't necessarily bad LDR, although it's watered down LDR. It's interesting to hear LDR + collab artist's influences on a track, if that makes any sense anyway I'm excited for the collabs!
  6. 26 degrees here too!! Perfect day to blast honeymoon and uv on vinyl
  7. I might be a bit delusional but I hope we'll get Cherry either today or next week, to make up for the delayed record I'm longing to hear the drums in HQ
  8. ok I also hope for a UO alternate album art and a pre-release listening party.. ready to miss school to drive to Cologne, which is 2-3 hours away I actually didn't mind Honeymoon, although it was a bit empty (=no vinyls). The art prints saved it! Especially the gorgeous, underrated exclusive pictures
  9. I hope for a cover on LFL! And a bomb 12" vinyl boxset with art prints
  10. that's fine, as long as no one attacks each other and pushes their opinion onto someone
  11. I hope we actually get the tracklist this time though! It'd be nice if she announced it in an exciting way I understand but it's not like she's collabing with the wrong artists.. I mean, Stevie Nicks, Sean Ono, possibly Marina - I'm down for that!! Even BORNS I wouldn't mind on the record Oh I hope you didn't get me wrong, I'm not saying people's opinions about the collabs are wrong!! Just stating my opinions too @HBHBHB is right though, not agreeing with an artist's actions is totally O.K. and does not make someone less of a fan. everyone is entitled to their own opinion and nobody should criticise anyone based on that. freedom of speech y'all!
  12. Agreed. Collabs mean exposure, too!! (Although she doesn't really need it)
  13. The 20 tracks rumours make much more sense now Tbh I'm just really happy there are many other releases to focus on until LFL, it'll make the wait instantly less boring
  14. it downloaded on my computer when I clicked it.. thought it was a virus for a sec hahah
  15. wait... what happened with ultraviolence? is there another version of it? someone explain please
  16. could you pm me too? edit: nvm I got the link!! lol
  17. What I find super intriguing is that Lana still hasn't mentioned anything on instagram...
  18. Halsey, Lorde, Katy.. I remember finding out about MMITPM through my DAD and then being surprised that it wasn't on Uv
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