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Everything posted by TOMORROWNEVERCAME

  1. It's funny cause I might not be super present in this thread but I've been reading it from the beginning since April and I feel attached to so many people, although I never actually talked to you guys? Like some usernames are so familiar to me and it feels like I know y'all, based on your posts etc. Anyways I'm sorry for being so late, I'm catching up on the 30 pages I missed!!!
  2. I can spend the rest of the day peacefully now that I was there to post my gif on page 1000
  3. update: Paris Match sold out. BUT!!! they have elle uk!!! anyone?
  4. Is there a way to post a gif when using LB on mobile? Or should I forget about posting the gif I prepared for page 1000?
  5. I hope we get Cherry soon. It would make sense for her to release it, now that she performed it..
  6. Also, like, today is the last day to get Paris Match and I'm gonna see if I can manage to get a few additional copies. So, does anyone want to buy/exchange or something? I don't know how it works here, I'm new Page 997... I'm getting my gif ready
  7. Did you guys snatch some cute usernames this era?
  8. Not much. Just a few rumours and meltdowns and conspiracies about the release date
  9. There's too many sources confirming May 26th for the July release to be credible.. Maybe it was just a mistake
  10. I actually think I saw it?? Like when LB was down there was no honeymoon theme anymore I'm just going to ignore what you said
  11. that's dope, i've been into moshi monsters lately
  12. I'm really thankful that the site was down cause there's only 2 more pages on the thread and that means I can get even more peaceful sleep, I only got 4 hours so far and it's only 8 am.. see u l8r is neopets an online game? cause if so I'm making an account omg
  13. I'm going to sleep, I hope the thread doesn't progress too much and I'll be there for page 1000. See you in 2 hours and a half!
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