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Everything posted by Marius

  1. And she’s gonna serve LET ME LOVE YOU LIKE A WOMAN 2.0
  2. Marius

    Taylor Swift

    I know that's right
  3. She’s so pretty I can’t even comprehend it sometimes.
  4. Marius

    Taylor Swift

    And it’s filtered. The collapse when the real number is 18m. Ariana and Gaga previous record - 6.7m filtered and 10m unfiltered.
  5. Marius

    Taylor Swift

    lipsters you better get ready for Lana’s biggest debut.
  6. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj-4LqVutpG/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= New photo of Lana, Taylor and Jack
  7. There are so many viral tweets about this collab it's acually hilarious. Taylor really made us dirty.
  8. Marius

    Taylor Swift

    I saw the score from AV CLUB being 7/100 but it disappeared...
  9. Easily the best song on the alboom.
  10. Some people are saying that it is the same situation as with Phoebe Bridgers and Taylor collab when initially the leak contained Phoebes backing vocals only. Idk though…
  11. Marius

    Instagram Updates

    She uploaded a new insta story explaining she took the videos down.
  12. Marius

    Instagram Updates

    „Please don’t listen to the music” She sounds so sad. Hope nothing ever leaks because it would be fucked up.
  13. Marius

    Instagram Updates

    Whoever did this… burn in hell…
  14. At time like this I always think about Ben and Ed and how they just keep winning because Lana is doing a bare minimum with promo and doesn’t really care if a collab can help her draw a bigger audience and just casually duets with Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift - biggest pop stars in the music industry.
  15. Marius

    Taylor Swift

    HELP I CAN’T BELIEVE IT. LANA AND TAYLOR? The biggest pop star in the industry rn? Lana’s main pop girlie era
  16. Marius

    Taylor Swift

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