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Posts posted by Marius

  1. 17 minutes ago, yourolllikethunder said:

    I ran the article [poorly] through Google Translate in the Rolling Stone thread, but here are the two biggest takeaways:


    Most recently I wrote an eleven minute poem.  It's called "My Father Told Me If I Went Slowly, I'd Be Safe - But He Was Wrong".

    What instructions did you give your producer Jack Antonoff particularly often?  "Let yourself go!" "Be wilder!"  “More twists at the end of the songs!” And whenever I got stuck, I asked him about chord progressions I could sing on.

    We need more twists Miss Jackie. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    I think the fact that Ben and Ed spoke about the “two albums” Lana “has in mind” to Music Week makes this feel more real. They’ve said before that they don’t have Lana run things by them before she posts to social media, but the fact that 1) a *custom* typeface was made (which would have to involve her team) and 2) was used in a social media announcement following 3) her managers discussing her next album(s) and 4) a “plan” that she’s had for years and just now they think can be pulled off, leads me to believe that something that has been brewing will actually come to fruition. 

    What if this is just releasing her unreleased tracks which she actually had in mind since 2017 and we're finally getting an album with 20 songs and it's actually going to be just a digital release because we all know those songs. :stareney2:

  3. 18 minutes ago, Poor Stacy said:

    lol, this album is definitely going to be another Honeymoon on streaming. especially with it being her least radio-friendly album (along w/ Honeymoon) and her releasing a follow-up so quickly. we should just be happy it's been well-received both critically and commercially so far, and not expect another 1B streams. just being realistic.

    Rock Candy Sweet is coming for 30 on Metacritic and 3 billion streams. :ma:

  4. 3 minutes ago, Nikogo said:

    I just got an email from Lana’s store telling me her album is out (as if they didn’t just send my confirmation email for the vinyl)


    and under the LDR village section I noticed the ”Lana Del Rey store” has super fancy font, and along with the “Lana Del Rey apothecary” font, both feature flowers VERY similar to the RCS announcement. 

    I really can’t wait for the this new album and to see the direction she goes :wub:


    it better come June 1st


  5. 7 minutes ago, Honeysuckle said:

    LADIES!! Forget everything you know about red, white, blue and black, this time we're going PINK! 


    That's right! The days of lolitas and sugar daddies are gone and we're ready to enter sugar mama school with Lana Del Rey's new album, Rock Candy Sweet:makeup2:


    2006 is back, but not even Lizzy Grant could predict that :candy: The new album including the smash hits "Catechize Me" and "Sensuality", featuring collaborations with Pharrell Williams, Jordin Sparks, Nelly Furtado and, of course, Dolly Parton, for that little southern taste :grinds:



    Get that sugar raw and your wallets ready for pink swirled vinyls and cotton candy scented candles, available at ldrcandyshop.com on June 1st :thankyou:

    Peppa Pig collab confirmed :oprah:

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