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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. On 3/27/2023 at 10:16 AM, DownhillLullaby said:

    TLTR but

    I kinda think that she knows what she's doing when she changes her IG pfp and post an old photo. Specially when she's teasing and nothing is coming. I wish she'd appear and say: Guys it's not coming, it's not being release for this and this or just say ITS NOT COMING with no excuses at all and then alright you can move on with your life and post as many tbts dead people save the rhinos as you wish.


    We know it's her profile and she can do what she wants but honestly it's not fair with the fans at all... She doesn't owe us anything but at least taking responsibility and compromise to not endure with all the previous teasing and vague posts leading fans to believe something it's about to change...


    Wish her the best but enough is enough 



    I'm tired of her fuckery. 



  2. 15 hours ago, AntiToxicPill said:

    The way this song ate ocean , BB , and chemtrails combined . 
    One of her best songs ever . 


    Exactly. The way she ruins her songs in the official releases. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Selfloathinpoet said:

    I keep thinking, why is Lana promoting CN so much? It's not a bad song, but personally I don't see it as having much potential to go viral either, and why music video for that same song? A&W had the potential to be a hit and have an iconic music video and Lana let it die. :pout:

    That song has such a dark aura about it. :pout:


    As long as Chuck isn't directing any videos this time around, I'm fine with it. Notice she hasn't done any music video for this new album. :smokes:

  4. 4 minutes ago, hotshot2am said:


    The Lana subreddit has to be the most toxic place that exists for Lana discussion :bebe:


    Wow. Just took a look again and I just read from one of the redditors that said they were tired of Lana singing about her family including Chuck's baby. I'm not repeating the exact words they used to described the poor baby but it was graphic. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Doll Harlow said:

    I know everyone is entitled to their opinion etc but I'm surprised at the amount of people on reddit who dislike this album. 

    Someone said that it had yeehaw vibes and I'm sorry but... where? 


    People are entitled to their opinions. I don't agree with the redditors but it is what it is. 


    The album hasn't really grabbed me yet but I do go back a lot to the holy trinity from the album: AW, Paris Texas and Candy Necklace. 


    I also asked around about the booklet for the album and nope she didn't put any lyrics or any effort into the art design, which means this is the first Lana album I am not physically buying. I will just buy the MP3 album on Amazon. It's just not worth me spending so much on a physical copy anymore. Too expensive for little effort in the artwork/booklet. :lanasrs:



  6. 6 hours ago, EXODUS said:


    As a fan of her music since her MySpace days, it's ugly to witness how her work ethic went to trash after doing drugs and being with Zachary Cole. 


    She used to be so prolific, recording music very often, being many producers, aute couture and photographers darling...


    It's not hard to tell what happened and everyone around her (including Elton John, many musician peers of her same age and sex, and Capitol) gave up on her. 


    It's a real shame what happened to her, drug addiction is like being trapped in your own personal hell, and sadly she keeps blaming everyone around her but herself. 


    It's not only the lack of music releases, but the disrespect she gives to her fans and audience when she gets on stage VERY late, late for events and interviews, lack of clear information of her situation.


    Poor Sky, I pity her and I pity her blind stans even more. 


    I still wish the best for her, as someone who struggles with drug craving from time to time, I understand how awful it is and how deeply it affects your emotions, your mind, your lack of motivations and energy. 


    Shirley Manson supported Raye and Jojo when they had that happened to them but she has never said a word about Sky. Red Lips was written by Shirley for Sky, you would think she would say something especially with the Free Sky people badgering her everyday in her comments. 


    Zachery Cole blames himself for the lost of her career. I never believed she had no idea he was a heroin addict. Like you can easily tell who's a junkie. Also she was looking pretty bad those days. I doubt she was doing that purposely for the tumblr crowd. :smokes:

  7. The album is officially released in Europe so I'm listening to it on Spotify Russia. 


    Anyway, I'm listening to it right now. The piano transitions to many of the songs is stunning.


    First thing that pops in my mind is how I wish I understood what Lana was saying.


    Lots of mumbling in some of the songs. This is why she needs to release lyrics in her albums. 





    Anybody who bought physical copies of the album please let me know if the lyrics come in the booklet artwork? Maybe this time she added them?


  8. 49 minutes ago, kuntsugi said:

    a different hair color would be enough if she wanted to change looks for the new era imo hopefully as time goes by she will realize sporting the prosthetics 24/7 is not a good idea


    She looks ridiculous.


    Let me see her try this clownery during a 98 degree - high huminity -  festival show. :smokes:



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