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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 35 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    The whole concept disturbs me a little especially her prosthetics….makes me cringe.  


    The whole thing makes me cringe. LIke girl, sing your music without all the gimmicks and get up. Last time she was playing the character of a kindergardner for like 8 years. Now it's some weird alien shit. Gaga and Grimes play around with weird looks and everything but the music they put out always spoke for itself and they always looked cool with their weird getups.





  2. 7 hours ago, This Feeling said:

    But she's released 2 solo singles and a bunch of soundtrack songs. If Capitol was truly guarding her from releasing anything, I doubt they would approve those. Plus, she said of Descending, "I wish someone would let me properly release it", which leaves the room open for interpretation...it sounds like Capitol would let her officially release it, but perhaps the rollout and promotional efforts made or lack of wouldn't feel "proper" to her. :biblio:


    If this is really all about budgets and promotions I think it's very petty. Look what Lana has done, albeit with a seemingly supportive label, but little to no real standard promotion. I could see how problems could arrive even if she went this route, maybe with vinyl pressings and sales? Still, she has a somewhat loyal 'fanbase' (using that term loosely cause lbr...) that could've kept her somewhat afloat had she kept on the beaten path.


    Honestly though, I really feel like it's more than not wanting to greenlight projects/promotion/budget. There has to be another element to it that we're not knowledgeable of. Maybe them wanting to control the output. Who knows. I'm still, naively, rooting for her to make some progress in the next few years. :ohno:


    Random, but her covering "Easy" felt very telling of how she feels in her current situation. In fact, a lot of the stuff she's done recently have this vibe, like Guardian, of feeling trapped, like Cross You Out. Whether that's internal or there's a lot of power and control dynamics happening BTS, I feel for her. She's clearly an artist, I mean, she's still been creative and shows some drive artistically, so I can't get behind the "lazy" narrative. Stubborn, perhaps...


    I agree, I mean look at all the poor quality music videos Chuck does for Lana. Then there's barely any promo for Lana from her label and yet she streams and sells well despite that. 


    I feel like Sky wants a full promo with red carpet and all and that's not gonna happen. If you read some of her Playboy interview, it's like she feels she's entitled to the red carpet roll out.  Screw the roll out. Just release the music.





  3. 2 hours ago, KimKaDAB said:



    Anitta is just an egocentric subcelebrity, she doesn't write or sing anything, literally just a millennial JLo, but she was used to be the "biggest" thing here in Brazil, when she started to get obsessed with a possible career in the US she quickly realized that her power in the local industry does 0 things for her with foreigner public, and now she's blaming on the label, even tho they got her nominations, feats, fair promo for someone who's relatively unknown in USA, and they let she release awful new singles every 2 weeks, she's just VERY entitled.


    Believe me, Brazil had to handle her for +10 years zzz:eartha:


    If y'all don't believe in Sky for any reason, just know Anitta is literally 1000x times worse, and she also have like 100x more money than sky


    I feel enlighten. 


    I have never heard of Anitta until Free Sky posted that. 


    She has 6 million followers so it seems like she's popular, that is unlesss she bought those followers. :smokes:

  4. 14 hours ago, EXODUS said:

    I wish Sky would do something like Anitta. 


    If she doesn't stand up and start explaining her situation and showing proofs, then I won't believe her at all. 


    She acts so sketchy and most people keep thinking it's her lying ass. 


    SKY (if you are reading this and probably you are) RECOVER YOUR FANS AND START EXPLAINING YOURSELF. 


    If Capitol is truly the problem, then expose them like Anitta did with her label, because at this point no one believes you and thinks you are the problem. 


    She has spoken out like Anitta. Many times. 


    Two examples :






  5. 4 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    I mean the video has been up there for a month- if they were going to take it down-they should/would have by now 💀 album era over I guess 




    Because it's not real. It's fanmade, with crowd clapping and all. At this point, it's the only thing we got.  :thumb3:

  6. 13 hours ago, Vertimus said:

    Some of those are not flattering to her in the least. 


    Thank you for saying this so I don't have to. 


    After the gorgeous PROFESSIONAL shots we got from REAL photographers for Interview and Billboard magazine? These are.....not so great. 


    It's time to put the camera down Chuck. Let the pros take all of your sister's photos. 





  7. 13 hours ago, brandon said:

    i will never forget the day Win by nasty cherry came on my shuffle and I said “omfg how did sky drop a new single without me knowing?!”


    Didn't Sky say they copied her music? I never saw her sue them. 



  8. 6 hours ago, Not as cool as me said:

    It’s a shame because I just don’t think it’s the right festival for her. It’s inaccessible to a lot of her of her UK fans, and @glastonburywtf is right, at present, with the GP she doesn’t have the pulling power for main stage Glastonbury, even headlining the other stage might not be what she’s expecting :defeated:



    She's also a very boring "entertainer" on stage, which she knows because she got the dancers. 


    Those people over there aren't going to be into the stopping the concert to look for vape, wasting 10 mins of the show taking selfies with everyone in the front row...then there's the lip syncing to the backgound tracks. 



  9. 6 hours ago, anwdelrey said:

    I really hope their asses bump Lizzo and replace her with Lana and I’m dead serious like sorry Lizzo idk



    No one is going to replace Lizzo. Right now her music is selling great and she's very loved and popular. Glasto would kick Lana first before letting Lizzo go. It sucks but that's how it is. If I was Lana I would pull out. Very disrespectful of them.

  10. 9 hours ago, brandon said:

    catching up on this thread and oh wow i’m giggling 


    how are these #freeskyferreria girlies still at it?! like come on… give it up mamas 


    incredible levels of delusion! it should be studied!


    They are like parasites living inside a chihuahua's infected asshole. They aren't going anywhere. 





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