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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. She needs to shut up b/c she's the one who's racist and homophobic. Calling Gaga and Lana fake, someone needs to take her phone away from her. I agree when Gaga said Banks has an bad attitude because it's true.
  2. I think your only option is to leave then because you'll be seeing a lot of them until the actual release.
  3. Yeah, although I have to admit that I've met a fair amount of people in the stan community who I dislike a little bit. But I usually get along with everyone.
  4. This community is so iconic, though. You guys follow me on Instagram, we can talk about Lana and her new album and I can talk with y'all about anything. You guys put more effort into me than most of my normal friends. I'll miss this everyone when Lust for Life is out and people start leaving the community or something.
  5. In England, can you go to the store and bring bottles and get money for it? In The Netherlands, we can bring old plastic bottles to the store, each one is worth 0,25 euro cent. So when I bring two or three bags to the store, usually I get like four euro.
  6. Queen of exposing your first and last name.
  7. I already followed you, I complimented you on your glasses in PM so don't worry.
  8. Wow, your picture looks beautiful. I already found it in London for like 6 pounds a few months ago, I couldn't buy it but the photoshoot was amazing! If you want I can follow you on Instagram anyway. I need some extra followers anyway. But when the album leaks I could shoot you a message.
  9. Ugh, I have the same problem. I keep thinking it's 'you want money groupie love' when it's 'you want my groupie love'
  10. It's obviously fake because Lana already said Yosemite wouldn't be released, so why would it be on an album sampler?
  11. I don't know much about ATRL but I think that whole closed registration thing is a little bit pretentious. In my opinion, a community should be open for anyone who's not bullying people or harassing others.
  12. You should burn incense, scented candles are nice but incense is just better in my opinion. I burn incense every week. I have a whole supply of it on my room.
  13. By the way, I was wondering if there should be a topic where people will be talking about the leaks instead of this one, without sharing the links in public, because people might want to wait until the release date and not want to see any spoilers or something, I guess.
  14. I wrote a whole post about Tyler not having a lot of fans on social media while Lana actually has a lot of followers on Instagram and Twitter. So it depends on multiple factors, Tyler is well-known and Lana is well-known. Only Lana is a bigger celeb in my opinion.
  15. I heard people were struggling with canceling orders like the box set. Try spamming her record labels Twitter account and wait for their reaction or something.
  16. Girl, we have nothing yet. Just wait like everyone else and if something leaks, Lanaboards members will talk about it on the forums, I guess.
  17. If there is a heaven, then it's that place.
  18. Yeah, I think there's this guy called Zachary Campbell. He makes reactions videos too but he actually speaks up when he thinks the album is just not that great. I personally liked Joanne but he reacted to it on his own personal way and I like that, he's kinda funny too. But I think most of the times he reacts to normal pop music, not artists like Lana.
  19. Dylan is so boring, and he doesn't even look that great like people claim him to be. There's this girl on YouTube, she has this bow or something like that in her hair, and she looks like she has dreadlocks and she literally cried when she heard some Lana song, I think she cried to Old Money. I mean, so much reaction videos are fake as fuck because they don't want to offend their fans.
  20. I was just looking on a Dutch record store website where I usually buy my records and on the website it said they sold Lust for Life on twenty July instead of twenty one July. I asked them on email when they will sell the CD and if they will give free posters like they used to. If they will sell the CD earlier, I might visit their record store and buy it.
  21. I wonder if we have anyone here on the website from the Brussels area, I recall Joanne being sold at Media Markt Brussels at least five or three days before release. Maybe they will sell albums early again? I might check my Media Markt and see if they sell it already even though I think they won't because they don't even sell the old albums.
  22. I hope the nudes are just random dickpics creepy guys from Grindr sent to them, lmao.
  23. Those comments on this Instagram post. ''bitch stop stroking the wrapper and stroke the damn upload button''
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