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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Swarovski Chasity (When your daddy wants to make sure you're his, with Swarovski diamonds placed on your chasity device) Four Seasons Brunch Maudlin Ballgag Westward Mistress
  2. Yeah, personally I have listened to the Melodrama and Joanne leaks. While I felt kinda guilty, I always buy albums which are good when I find them for a good price, I mean, I actually buy the albums so either way I kinda support the artist anyway. Oh my god, this post is iconic. I'll put it on my profile.
  3. Same, I can't stop listening to it. I have been listening to Summer Bummer every day since it was released. Such a great song.
  4. Imagine living in 2017 and taking a picture with such a crappy camera of the most iconic albums in 2017.
  5. Queen of wearing Adidas clothes at an Adidas event.
  6. I kinda knew that, maybe it would've helped more to report my post. But since a lot of people also talk about random things in this topic I thought it wouldn't really matter. But yeah, people always like to correct others, I guess.
  7. That moment when your so called 'best friend' deletes a picture on their Instagram with you on it, captioning one of my best friends. I can see right through you, bitch.
  8. Lotus


    I only know her from those YouTube videos but I haven't really listened to her music. Can somebody suggest me some good songs that she made?
  9. I have been waiting for her to come to the Netherlands for so long, I remember she only performed once somewhere at a small stage in Amsterdam and performed Ride on live Dutch television, but nothing more.
  10. Wow, that patch looks beautiful. If she will sell patches I hope she releases something in a style like that. You can always save up small amounts of money and then in the end when she will tour, you might have everything. But I would personally not expect her to do a worldwide tour, tbh. We should be lucky that she even goes to festivals.
  11. I don't hate Freak but the song is a little bit boring and it only gets interesting after 3:23 in my opinion.
  12. I understand your point of view but I personally like reading the booklets because I always buy physical albums, haha. Although I have seen bits of the Lust for Life booklet and I actually dislike it a lot.
  13. Lady Gaga's bomber jacket by Urban Outfitters was like 279 dollars, I was really sad because it was really too expensive just for a jacket, lol. Hopefully she'll sell some great merchandise at her tour.
  14. Talking about merchandise, it would be amazing if she would sell like bomberjackets or something like that, with her tour name (if she will tour for Lust for Life) embroidered on the back or on the chest. I'd buy it without even knowing the price, lol.
  15. I wish Lana will put some posters up on her digital store, I'd like to have a full size Lust for Life album cover poster or something. Same, when that song is coming out I'll probably listen to it for a long time. The snippet sounds so good.
  16. It's just like I am so tired of going through the whole process again and again, socializing, meeting new people, thinking you have a connection with somebody and then the process goes over and over again. I've met so much people who I personally thought were my friends and then something happens again, they fuck you over, or you get to know the truth. At this point I just want to throw my hands up in the air and let my social life die so I don't need to have so much stress from people that hate me, lol.
  17. I feel kinda sad today because I feel like my friends are not treating me well but the thought that we will finally get the album in five days makes me at least have something to look forward to..
  18. I kinda like the YouTube version because of the intro but I prefer the standard version.
  19. Her message about Ben might have changed my opinion about him a little bit after seeing he means so much to her, tbh.
  20. The only reason why I am a bit upset about Yosemite is like that she talked about it so much in interviews and stanning it, then out of nowhere ditching it, lol.
  21. Maybe this is not the right topic - but is there maybe somewhere a topic where we share Instagram usernames or something?
  22. Fans: Cherry needs to be a single. Lana: No, but low-key I want that video for Change to be released or otherwise I'm going to be pissed off. I don't want the same thing happening to Change like what happened to Pretty When You Cry.
  23. According to a popular Dutch webshop, his book was supposed to be released somewhere in May 2017 but the book is not in stock. Maybe someone else has more information about his book? I never knew he was going to write a book about her in the first place.
  24. I just wish that she would go on tour, really. I love her so much and I just want to see her perform in the Netherlands and witness her talent in real life. Hopefully she will get rid of that stage fright sooner or later.
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