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Everything posted by ThisIsRusko

  1. Almost done with work and the album still didn't leak.... OK then first gym and we'll see after that
  2. Sitting at work hoping this will leak till I get home...
  3. it's starting. so exciting time... it could be out any hour
  4. i have alread planed to visit the place i met my past lover for the first time. and then listening to Lust for life... it will be special...
  5. well... if you want to let your social life die for now that is fine! if that is what you want! i sometimes dont wanna have any contact to people for a week or so... but then i'm fine again... do your thing. listen to your gut feeling sending you a hug! its not always easy i think we all know. and only 5 days left
  6. babe we all have phases like that. don't worry you will find real freinds.. even if the friendship doesnt last a lifetime... you will find new friends again stop. you are beautiful the way you are
  7. me doin promo for summer bummer https://www.instagram.com/p/BWnET28g0uW/?taken-by=thisisrusko
  8. the album could leak like on wednesday so we are getting so close u guys °o°
  9. hahahaha we were all talking about ''change''.. so my head really read ''change'' damn
  10. why u lying change is 5.21 long.. so i dont know what ure loading right now
  11. damn that hit me hard.. i was not expecting this to be a love song?
  12. i really liked the snippets... damn. 6 days to go (oficially)
  13. i can't i am about to listen to the snippets.....
  14. ok i won't listen to the snippets. just please tell me... wich album comes the closest style wise? ++++ please tell me how many songs are about love and relations ships... i don't want too many coachella topics
  15. ok i won't listen to the snippets. just please tell me... wich album comes the closest style wise?
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