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Everything posted by comeintomybedroom

  1. a mod should just delete everything regarding 14 (again).
  2. I didn't notice that so fuck off guys. @ you should really delete the caption on that audio post. There's no link on Tumblr for 14 so I'm sure nobody even knows it out there.
  3. Charli reblogged Machines. You know she's pissed as fuck. I'm sure she found out about 14 too.
  4. Not sure that was that was the thing to do. Watch her just quit and never sing again.
  5. who is sound-of-my-heartbeat on tumblr?
  6. whatr you talking about?
  7. Are you referring to "we would've taken your fucking money"? According to you, it should be "we would've taken you are fucking money" and that doesn't make any fucking sense at all.
  8. you tried fucking pitching in hours after we already had the $100. it would've been too complicating to refund money after it had already been processed. we're not trying to be exclusive or whatever. YOU weren't online when we were trying to gather the money, believe me we would've taken your fucking money if you were here. sorry, but too bad for you.
  9. you literally changed what he typed omfg. i'm laughing at you.
  10. nah i don't. she actually seems to be really ashamed of it (idk why) so i respect that she doesn't want it out.
  11. What are you talking about?
  13. I swore she says 'you sack of fags'.
  14. I hear 'I Love It' on the radio every day yet nobody knows who my fave is
  15. When was Charli gonna post Interior? And where did she say that she was posting THAT song? I'm sure the version that we have is a demo or something 'cause Feel My Pain sounds like its an earlier version than the one on the sampler.
  16. thank you for even replying, sitar hero, you can stay
  17. the people that didn't know about it, just googled 'charli xcx interior atrl'.
  18. The one I have claims to be 320. I'll PM you.
  19. I never even could download it, that page has been bookmarked for like a month.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEdjsmWhU1E&feature=youtu.be I don't even really like this song, but I like this performance. It's her first time performing it.
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