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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. No offense, truly truly truly, but I'd hope that Franco would keep from her videos this era. I can't take him seriously, and I'm sure he'd damper the serious vibes of the album. I'm also sure I'm not the only one who thinks so . . .
  2. All I want is good lasting music like her prev. albums. And visuals, lots and lots of visuals.
  3. Carti's got the cream color used for his tour too. Maybe it just comes in waves the shades for promo
  4. The only reason I'd like Tyler to promote his album is to have Lana eclipse it with her release. Vids for days pls
  5. Impervious to any fake insider tweets and info. Got the track snippets, that's enough for me til the 21st, blow itttt
  6. Elaborate friend, haven't paid much attention to any other album release in a while
  7. So genuine question. Who hasn't been exactly caught up yet? Is Coachella a pivotal track? Bridging the past and future? Look u kids, get insurance, falls are dangerous. LFL satellites'll leave u snatched and pregerts. 1 WEEK
  8. By next Monday, they'll have destroyed me, but by next Friday . . .
  9. It really does, it's kinda like, liking something u don't want to like. Like the bitterness from a drink, but u secretly do @@Roctab Bring ear condoms, it's infectious. Don't have the link anymore bc I know I'll just listen to it to no end so . . . yeah
  10. Personally, Coachella resonated with me the first time she sang the song on her insta, acoustic. I loved it and was expecting something more stripped back. It still sort of is, but the beats kinda threw me off bc of my expectations so yeah, friction there. Some lyrics aren't as smooth on it, but the chorus and the outro just elevate it so well. Ya mentioned the past generations inspiring the future, I really do think that's what the world needs more of today too, so I hope the album reaches people and helps instill a change that we as humanity just so desperately need now. I think having a gay couple in her videos would be amazing too. I'm biased for that I think, but still so for it. VIsuals have been terrific so far, hope it stays consistent further
  11. Yeah no I missed reading the word reach Not gonna lie, would probably listen to a track or two if it did. Not the entire thing but I def wanna listen to Get Free forsure
  12. This was just beautiful, thanks for sharing Hey btw, do u know where I can listen to her first two albums?
  13. On a much brighter note, Don't b a bummer babe, / B my undercover lover babe (cu)hmm I think LFL mkes me aspire to be a sexy Lobbyist, yes.
  14. Ur post really conflicted me bc I love love love HM, and I felt like I had the same sort of reaction to the snippets and made peace and liked them then too. So there's that. I feel like HM was the most Lana, if that makes sense. Opinions, opinions we've all got em tho so yeah
  15. Nice perspective, it's a nice way of looking bridging everything together
  16. Look u kids with ur vintage music, gonna bring u to today's social sphere of the world today, said LFL
  17. I know it's lengthy folks, but feel free to bookmark for future ref if ya wanna
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