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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I just found out that she took the video off her insta, but found the vid of it on yt. I wonder what it's fate will be. Honestly, it's such a beautiful track, but I really wouldn't want it to be on the upcoming record. Something about what we heard sounds more of an outtake.. Just my opinion.

    It doesn't mesh with the vibes we've gotten from Love and LFL, even Coachella.. 

    It screams more Ultraviolence than it does any other of her past releases. 

  2. 3151ce05-5a3c-4067-81b2-59f42367e84b.jpg

    You like to fix things, usually people. You're very good at it in fact; usually you can make people quit habits or just be more pleasant overall. 
    But not the person you're currently dealing with. Cold, but too charismatic to let go, you're struggling to accept the fact that you can't change them. Trust me, the sooner you let this go, the better off you'll be. Stay brave.

  3. After all the memories, etc. Listening to Lana during a brutal Texas summer will ALWAYS be the tea tbh. Sweating my ass out to Brooklyn Baby is just so cathartic. Listening to her in the winter almost feels wrong sometimes.

    Real life though, I'd always play Brooklyn Baby as I drive on the highway back, and literally almost fell asleep to it. Swerved but it was a diff kind of experience. 


    I guess the temps sort of converged, like when something gets so cold it feels hot and stings or vice versa? I really think most of her music just fits so well better in the Summer too

  4. Listening to the bridge of Shades of Cool while tanning outdoors slays my entire life.


    Listening to Carmen in the car I learned how to drive in is also very intense.


    Listening to Religion in my ex-daddy's house is also overwhelming. There's a lot of places that Lana "triggers" me lol

    That all sounds so wonderful imo.


    Same here too sometimes, it's like a bittersweet present

    Born to Die : Never listen to it (except Off The Races)

    Paradise : At home when I'm alone


    Ultaviolence : On the road w/ bae, Flipside works so fine in this moments (but I admit the whole album is not that "easylistening" and sometimes a little too dark for a couple trip)


    Honeymoon : Everywhere, at home, on my bike, on the road w/ bae... There's a place in France where the song "Honeymoon" is really synchronized, it's called "le Pilat"



    Lust for Life : Never, nowhere :bye2:

    I can agree with u on UV, Flipside's a masterpiece too imo.


    Tell me more of this magical place of "le Pilat", what's it like?  :flutter:

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