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Everything posted by violets

  1. her liking bens comment "album(s) coming too" was pretty reassuring. glad she at least acknowledged its coming
  2. holy shit. not him saying she's holding onto the past then months later she tweeted from her old account "and still loving u after all these years". i dont believe this stuff too often but thats very interesting
  3. exactly. we know she's active, we know she aware, unless she has something crazy in store for us that will make us all die for her once she releases it, i dont get how shes totally comfortable hanging her fans by a thread for MONTHS knowing that we are one of the most dedicated and loyal fanbases (imo).
  4. u said it so good omg email this shite to her team
  5. whoever is going to her next show please make NFR's existence known... that show in nola had maybe 2-3 people shouting about stuff related to it. btw make sure to yell sing HIAB bc she almost did last time...
  6. lol next year? maybe she finally realized she cant bind books herself and have her fans all get equal chances in getting a copy of one. she needs that shit MASS produced omg imagine if it never comes out LOLOL another ldr failed project
  7. which are the new ones? idk which ones were already up
  8. yeah they really fucked up her nostril https://twitter.com/saIvatora/status/1135291636689309704
  9. what my anxious self sees so does this kinda confirm she was in the studio throughout march as well? i mean she's basically saying she left the studio to go do this which was shot in march. call me crazy but she was in the studio for a long time... couldve recorded a lot of more songs... who even knows if she potentially has another album coming together.
  10. so is she just tryna say she only did this bc it was vogue italia and dislikes shoots... well... its over yep.....
  11. the third caption is a little confusing? "i like to stay in the studio ya im lowkey but i been buying vogue italia since i was a child" what maam wheres the correlation
  12. by album(s) he def meant someone else he manages. even though its nice thinking she'd have another album for us... at this point thats literally impossible since she can barely release NFR
  13. im just confused still bc didnt steven tag v mag on his original post when he said he was gonna shoot her?
  14. ok so where the fuck do i find a local newsstand to get this on tuesday
  16. my hairs falling out like crazy lately omfg her impact
  17. yea she has a pretty consistent feed now. since she deleted it when it was late for most of the world she assumed we all already knows its coming today so no need to keep the announcement up.
  18. where is the shoot we need the damn shoot where is the shoot we want the damn shoot well its like 7am for her but ill wait
  19. ok so i really dont think the covers are coming today
  20. bens comment just pissed me off. yeah no shit its coming this year. did he think he gave us tea by saying that? and lana liking it? nice for her to finally acknowledge nfr i guess.
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