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Everything posted by violets

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irLiIqzYcYI&feature=youtu.be
  2. i feel bad. ik i got a warning point last time i said to harass lionsgate BUT i am not saying to harass interscope all im saying is people gotta stop slamming lana because obviously she wants to release this album. interscope has to hear us now, they sitting all pretty and unbothered while watching lana take the beat. bullshit
  3. OMG! potentially shes shading her label! when she used to make art for the beauty of it... and not for the money which we all know interscope wants. she wants to put out her art but they are afraid it wont get them ... that money
  4. omg what if someone in her team lit told her all you have to do is change everything and it will be fine gays... we rise at dawn
  5. so if this is a label issue. maybe shes just not releasing it as a way to go against them until they let her work her vision. as ben said, she will release it when she wants. we know at this point its her holding it back, but why? is the question. free our girl!
  6. the "had" makes me uneasy. why had? dont you HAVE a vision? its just weird...
  7. i hope it reminded her she can make art like that again. because an iphone recording comes no where close to freak MV
  8. *this is just me being anxious* ok so i know how we would possibly get paps pics if lana was seen leaving the studio (but we dont always and shes also sneaky). there is a chance she could be reworking the album. does her music not usually go with her current state of mind? it does! which is why she took yosemite and BAR off LFL and probably those other political songs, she didnt feel the same as how she wrote herself to be in the songs anymore. i really dont think she feels the same as she did MONTHS ago when finalizing this album. people change and we know lana does a lot. its annoying when she last minute scraps stuff but i love how she releases what caters to how she feels at the moment because it helps us understand. i feel like she would be uncomfortable releasing old stuff anyways. i mean going to the unreleased album at amoeba when the crowd was cheering after she said "im not sure" you hear her say "ive moved past that". yes that stuff was YEARS ago but clearly we all know how much lana changes within months. so maybe there is a chance that shes just adding or taking out some songs now and maybe with the theory above we could get this album literally any week... i dont take her "the album is done tweet" from what? 2 months ago? into consideration. it was too vague and weird
  9. the fuck does that even mean someone pls explain to me
  10. yea also rihannas albums as well. must be something wrong behind the scenes which is our best assumption. def nothing to do with NFR
  11. are we assuming that pic is from a full photoshoot?
  12. im sorry but this wait has just put this whole album into a bad taste for me. im not even excited. i dont even expect any song to turn out good and not because i dont like what we've gotten, ive loved it. but just the whole wait makes me so bitter and i dont even want to enjoy this album. just start a whole fucking new era. its been dragged out and its old. over it and over her dont-give-a-fuck attitude. i cant wait to see yall post some shit like "yall talk shit but then will cry when the album is out" ctfu ok and mind your business
  13. NORMAN FUCKING ROCKWELL IS DEAD I don't want to make a new album. I only want POETRY See my cover though. CLICK HERE
  14. lana deleting comments about the album as if thats gonna make anything better LMAO
  15. im sorry but aint no one reading the last 4 pages! i dont know how yall have so much to talk about
  16. how can anyone even want HIAB at this point.. so over her
  17. i did not have this song streaming all day for it not to hit top 5
  18. its 9pm why hasnt ATL 105.3 played Doin' Time like they said omfg i think they meant 9pm cali time...ive been waiting for 20 minutes listening to green day... bye
  19. i cant get over the last 2 seconds... was that a mess up in production? it just seems so weird and abrupt.
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