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Everything posted by WHATCOLORISTHEALBUM

  1. People getting killed is a silly thing to Americans.
  2. Wait for the next album then everyone will say LFL is a masterpiece just like what they did to honeymoon
  3. I just read June is about the pulse shooting
  4. The End of Love is the best song she ever made.I said it.
  5. I dunno if I like it or not
  6. When is she releasing a new single.It's been a while and the album is coming out in a month :rage:.
  7. I just like how she looked back in ultraviolence era she just looks stunning
  8. Found patricia but its 240p 100Years
  9. Can you please link the live live performance if you find them . I really wanna listen to them
  10. my best friend doesn't like most of lana's song but he just sent me this picture and said he loved them
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