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Beautiful Loser

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Posts posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. 1 minute ago, Embach said:

    I wonder if he's going to be replaced by a worse dictator? 😬

    The vice president has taken over, and a newspaper here says a new election will be held within 50 days. I think we all know elections in Iran aren't completely free or democratic so... yeah. I doubt much will change, unfortunately.

  2. Do we have a source that’s not behind a paywall? I just want to know if they suspect sabotage or not because if they do, things can turn ugly quick
  Hopefully it was only the bad weather that caused the crash. I don’t know why they thought riding a helicopter in thick fog was a good idea lol.

    Anyway. Good that he’s gone. Fingers crossed someone better will fill his position next, although I doubt it.

  3. 31 minutes ago, J03 said:

    I just listened to American Jesus, I counted like 30 references to BTD/PE songs. Instead of making some shitty post about being copied and imitated, Lana recognised her impact, saw a bit of herself in that girl,  and bought her out on stage. She showed us a kind, humble woman. The way BTD is still impacting all these artists after all these years and it was so heavily panned at the time is so inspiring. The way BTD’s working title was “The Revenge of LDR” feels so apt as an OG in this heyday we’ve found ourselves in. Life imitates art indeed.I think this truly might be the peak for us. The last couple of years have been crazy, and through it all she’s still helping the others up. She’s a one of a kind. And I’m glad she seems to be enjoying her revenge.  

    I just read the lyrics, it really does sound like something an "insider" could've made up and claim it was written by Lana in the BTD/pre-BTD era. :eyeroll3: I haven't heard the song yet but I agree, it was nice of Lana to bring her on stage if she's an inspiration to Nessa.

  4. Maniac!! It’s on Netflix, featuring Emma Stone! It’s a short series with only one season. Science fiction with drama and humor. A medical company have created a pill which can, like, remove people’s depression and their problems, so they’re doing a trial before they can launch it. Sooo since it’s a trial, things don’t go as planned. And a super computer with human feelings is the mastermind behind it all. Really fun and creative short little series! 

  5. 1 hour ago, Venice Biotch said:


    the hair is a bit weird but whatever

    I can smell the coffee and waffles :wowcry:


    1 hour ago, Venice Biotch said:


    Stoppp this is so much better than I thought it would be :wub:

  6. 31 minutes ago, WaitForLife said:

    It's with every Award. No one knows who These people are and why they can rate Something that the GP could do on their own. Who says xx Album is the best of the year? What movie is the best? Who are these people?

    It depends on the award show I think, some are transparent with who sits in their juries. But yeah, you have a point. It's just... weird to me to not announce it publicly, unless somsone has recieved a threat once and they're taking precautions since.

    18 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Yes but as I said idk who the fuck they are


    One of them won The Voice ... the bar is LOW

    Ohhhh this is news to me!! I've never know who's in the Swedish jury, or anyone else's country for that matter!

  7. 39 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Ours is 4 "singer/songwriters" and a producer I've never heard of

    I'm not complaining cos they gave 12 points to Bambie

    HOWEVER I do think the jury members should have to have some cred. Anyone can call themselves a singer/songwriter but as I said I've never heard of any of them so obviously they're not that great at what they do? Full offence, jury members

    Wait, you have names and faces of your jury members??

  8. Genuine question, do we know who the members are of the national juries? Because it’s all so strange to me, every year, they reveal the jury votes but who are they? Producers? Song writers? Celebrities? TV people? Like, who are they, why do they get to have these special votes and a special say? It’s much more comprehensible that the tele votes are from the public, we’re all the public. But who’s the juries?

  9. 1 hour ago, bunoner said:


    I swear, we’ve hosted ESC too many times the past couple of years that we have no one else to entertain Europe, all these random celebs that no one but us Swedes would recognize (and hardcore Eurovision fans maybe).

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