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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. The end of God Knows I Tried makes me wanna cry??Or do you mean that Honeymoon sounded good but her latest songs lack affection?
  2. I don't really get all the negativity about two rappers being in Lana's song, I think it'll sound great from what I've heard so far! From the most recent snippet from Soundhound, I think Lana will really have a voice that can match theirs. (Yes, I think it's easier to her to control her voice to match theirs than vice versa, Lana has an amazing voice control) Yes, it might sound monotone, but I wouldn't despair, we heard how good Lana sounded before the "wrap you up in my Daisy Chains" part came. Don't worry, it's gonna sound great. Although, I have to admit that I haven't listen to any music by A$AP or Carti (except for Ridin' of course ), is the latter really that bad as you all are saying? Didn't you say yesterday that we should chill and don't hype ourselves up?
  3. I wanted to retweet this but then I realized this is not Twitter, so I copied your post and tweeted it myself (and added that I originally didn't say it), and this is turning out to be a long sentence but thanks for making me giggle, I'll end it here.
  4. Guys, the Summer Bummer snippet, you can hear it on SoundHound now???!! MY PULSE IS RISING!!! https://soundhound.com/?t=100517783805262297&fb_action_ids=10213370784163641&fb_action_types=soundhound%3Adiscover&_branch_match_id=409165205499715111 Sounds like it's inspired of hip hop again?! I'M NOT CALM ANYMORE, I'LL BE THINKING OF THIS ALL DAY ------ Oops, sorry guys, I just woke up and had my breakfast, didn't know this was old news. Don't mind me.
  5. All right, I'm going to sleep now. See you all tomorrow! Try not to be too disappointed in the meantime! ❤️
  6. That's the thing... she's TOO quiet. Like she never knew that her album is supposed to be released soon.But yeah, people shouldn't be mad at her, she never confirmed about the song...
  7. Retweet Omg, the cutest album cover art I've ever seen! Should have been called "Lust For Doggos" though. Exactly! I'm done believing various sources about the album. I expect nothing from Lana except for the album to get released in July 21st. I expect no singles until then. No snippets. No music videos or radio interviews, no tweet or IG post with any news on the album. If I get any, it'll be a pleasant surprise, nothing more.... I think.
  8. Um... 1) It's over and 2) she wasn't the special guest, just as I thought.
  9. Just went to Lana's IG to have the Daisy Chains snippet on repeat for a little while. ❤️
  10. Someone e-mailed V magazine and asked, they replied that it was their mistake and didn't see it before they had started to press the papers.Source is somewhere in this thread, I saw the screenshot of their answer.
  11. I feel stupid now, I didn't think of that. Thank you.
  12. Do we know where she is at the moment? At home? Overseas? Wouldn't the paparazzi see if she went to the airport? I thought she was in California and watched concerts and went to parties.
  13. La la la la la, la la la la la, soft ice cream~
  14. It's a little bit too harsh to draw parallels to Hitler, don't you think? Anyways, back to the topic. I really wish Lana would release the track list or pre-order soon, it's less than a month to the album now. >___<
  15. I always wake up automatically around 3 and/or 5 every night (now it's 5:30) and I just came by to see if we have any song yet... but I'm too tired so I'm going back to sleep lol, see you later.
  16. I got sad when I didn't see Yosemite in that fake track list so I used to believe so, but not any longer. Makes no sense to me to change the title of your favorite song.
  17. OMG, A DOGGO AND A BIRD??! I love birds, I used to have a parrot. ♥ Sorry for going off topic!
  18. Electra seems to be back, but where is @@annedauphine? I miss her, I hope she's ok.
  19. Retweet Hi, nice to meet you! I'm glad to see that you're enjoying Lanaboards too, I hope to see more of you here in the future. Don't you ever feel like joining the conversations? I know I do. Hugs! ❤️ I doubt she'll announce a tour for this summer, it's too crammed with festivals, but maybe for this fall?
  20. Lana needs to come out of the dungeon and explain what she meant with "July 21 fam". I don't wanna be confused anymore.
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