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Everything posted by paradisetropico

  1. interested to see the full champagne blonde on her (as long as it isn't this weird silver gray color she has now) I wasn't a fan of the bangs; I truly just love her with the simple brown or black hair not a fan of the switch ups
  2. yes she looks very moody and sexy and the "fuck off" vibes in her face... looks Immaculate !
  3. I film while driving all the time, it is dangerous and it is wrong yet I am still a clown, but honestly i'm not always looking at the screen, just holding the phone to film the scenery in one hand and if I miss, I miss... or if I emergency need to drop my phone I drop my phone. i see a lot of Karens drinking from their sonic and chickfila drinks with one hand so there is a risk when driving no matter if both hands are on the wheel.... also, her tapping to flip the camera is more dangerous than her turning her phone in her hands
  4. this is a SERVE! omg omg im quaking ladies and gays
  5. thank god she is back in LA, also has she worn that diamond ring before?
  6. for those of you saying this isn't "poetry".... you clearly have not studied the BEAT Poets.... poetry does not ALWAYS have to follow a clear rhyme and perfect stanza routine...
  7. this gave me CHILLS.... WTF its STUNNING... also who is Brother? could it be Jim Morrison? god I hope she doesn't hate us fans, im sure we all say the " Your stories are mesmerising" "I always have the most interesting stories" "People love your stories" "You are an interesting performer" it must get exhausting, lot of psychological points to this poem wow
  8. I have chills... "Paradise Is Very Fragile" alluding back to the paradise album & tropico film sent me... even mentioning the green and gold... "this summer night, you in front of me (..) you take and you take and you take" part then the siren starts omfg omfg I wanna die to this part. "Bare Feet on Linoleum" wow, this gives me black mirror vibes, maybe alluding to the criticism yet also the inundation of fans like myself saying how they love her stories; "relevant stories, your stories are captivating" & her intricate songs/stories.. so many questions (GOD this one is so haunting im IN LOVE)
  9. does anyone know if the spoken word album will be available to purchase on iTunes???????? I dont wanna buy a subscription to the services its available on
  10. well her hair doesn't look good, in my opinion, it looks like a stone gray tan, and with her pale face - it just looks stale...
  11. paradisetropico

    Taylor Swift

    im not even a Taylor fan - but this is so exciting, wish lana would do this for COTCC
  12. it was a joke, y'all need to calm down ....
  13. in her last pic with the hotel cup, she kinda looked like she had been crying also he better have a monster c&ck is all im sayin....
  14. someone said the last picture of her holding a cup is from the mayo hotel in Tulsa.... so maybe it isn't jacks... idk im really sick of this
  16. her feed is off center now so I suspect she might post 2 more posts soon?
  17. I was with her and still support her thru her tropico days ; this man is just (atrocious) ....hes obsessed with Vans, his token antique Cadillac that he posted about during quarantine to probably get Lanas attention, revealed they broke up in a NYT article, I mean.. hes just annoying as F*q I like to think it was a diss; but who knows.
  18. UGH this is starting to piss me off...
  19. anyone think she will post more tonight or tomorrow????
  20. if they are back together; I truly might unstan. he gives me weird power fame hungry vibes... it feels weird.
  21. Sean hasn't yet liked the post; yet he liked all three of the Joan Baez paintings... hmm
  22. well at least we can assume an album is coming, even if we have no idea about the details.
  23. I truly think diss track, also she's probably ignoring his boring azzz phone calls/texts, mad about the NYT article he did, and posting this could be a shot to his EGO... (maybe im reaching but tbh it would make sense?)
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