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Posts posted by HEARTCORE


    she also seemed to like the word "brrap", whatever the fuck that meant


    its typical chav slang, she was basically a chav lol







    • Status: Single
    • Hometown: raaaaaaaaaaar i am a lion
    • Orientation: Straight
    • Body type: Slim / Slender
    • Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
    • Zodiac Sign: Leo
    • Children: Undecided
    • Occupation: BEING A Magical WIzarD! jldfgalsjfg!



    this is so embarrassing oh my god

  2. if she suddenly broke out into a chorus of i can see my baby swinging, i could understand but like....she's been working on these tracks for aggges (2012 onwards) so i think its V V V V unlikely that she took inspiration from UV

  3. Ryn did an interview with Power 96.1 and she talked a little bit about working with Charli, this is what I thought was interesting


    "She's more organized than me. When she types her songs out she's got one big word document that is color coded based on song. After she finishes one, she color codes it and moves on to the next one. She was scrolling through everything she had been doing and I was like...damn"


    she better back up all her shit


    someone remotely access it from a hotel :creepna:

  4. shes gaining fans LMAO now we know who the scums of the earth now are based on her follow list

    EVERYBODY is ripping into her as well though - gaga fans, britney fans, katy fans (if she has them :creepna:)...its nice to see unity against a common enemy

  5. also she clarified that she does like Nicki Minaj, Better Than That is "about some who was never really nice" to her or her group of friends (so probably not Ellie Goulding then??? since they were friends, even if they're not now??) and that the chicken leg story is true :creepna2:


    I don't know this artist as well as I should, but could this be real? It's the best cover of this song I've ever heard. The voice sounds similar to Sky's (maybe even highly similar, as I say, I don't know her as well as I should).



    it's real, she uploaded the cover to her official SoundCloud a few years ago (although this YT version seems to have been edited)

  7. ive always thought that she was a narcissistic bitch but i didnt realise she was THIS much of a narcissistic bitch...im so glad that i never really got into her music, apart from Kill My Boyfriend and a few Trouble tracks

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