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Posts posted by Cloudbusting

  1. Yall ruined BAR for me. I used to love it so much but yall hyping it up and constantly whining for it made me just turned off by it

    Why should you hate it now based on what people say? Just try to enjoy it.

    For example, y'all keep hating on Coachella but that constant whining doesn't make me dislike it (it's true that it may be the worst on the record though)

  2. Can't wait to pop my pussy to BAR..

    You'll wait forever  :rip:


    On a side note, I kind of like "Architecture" as a title. Sure "Best American Record" is cooler but I like the way "Architecture" sounds, especially when you hear it in the song. The way she says the word is nostalgic and really sets the mood for the song. Plus Architecture is kind of mysterious, you can't know what to expect from the title alone (Maybe I sound silly but idc)

  3. Hello again, concerning the "BAR is shorter" rumor, this is where I first saw it: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/8496-ldr5-pre-release-thread/?p=413706 I don't even know where are her/his receipts or if the rumor started from this user but maybe it was a joke all along or something like that (not shading or anything, just saying where I saw the rumor first). Anyway, I'm already over the fact that BAR is not on the album and I'm ready for SB  and GL  :bodyisready:

  4. I don't think she'll sing that much from the record. I think she'll have around 12 tracks in her setlist this year, and she'll probably keep Video Games, Born To Die, Off To The Races, Summertime Sadness, Blue Jeans, Cola, Ride and Cruel World. That lets place to... let's be realistic, 4 or 5 other tracks, in which she may include one or two random songs from her earlier albums like she did with Lolita and Carmen last year. I think she'll sing Love, Lust For Life, Cherry and, if we are lucky, another one from the record - maybe White Mustang.


    I'm pretty sure she won't sing any from Honeymoon though :creep:

    It's a shame though... Every song in Honeymoon deserved to be done live (except DLMBM lol), especially Art Deco, Religion and TBD  :rip:  (Maybe sometime in the future?)


    Obviously she won't perform Honeymoon or LFL songs on festivals but she could do it on her tour.

  5. A close friend of mine hates her because another friend and I keep talking about her in our WhatsApp group but she's never insulted her. Anyway, another friend said that her songs sound the same but this was back in 2013 when her popular songs were only Young and Beautiful, Video Games and Summertime Sadness. But saying an artist is bad because of the repetitive sound is kind of...  :eek: An artist has his or her own style so it's natural that all the songs share something in common. In any case, dissing Lana with that argument is not valid anymore since West Coast or High By the Beach are not similar to her previous songs.

  6. She said she wanted to sing all the record right? I don't think that happens but which songs do you think she'll actually sing live? I'd say Love, LFL, Cherry, Change, White Mustang... overall the solo tracks because it might be complicated to do SB and GL live (or not?). Most likely she'll continue to sing the usual Video Games, Born To Die, Cruel World, Cola, etc., drop every Honeymoon song off the setlist and sing like 5 songs of LFL.  :teehee:

  7. This is literally my thought process every time I get excited about the album

    You can all skip it and still have like 65 minutes of Lust For Life, besides, maybe she fixed the production.


    I am pretty damn excited for Change. I don't know what the hate is about  :crossed: the lyrics sound very fitting for these dark times  :creep: 

    That "There's something in the water, I can taste it turning sour... it's bitter. I'm coughing, but now it's in my blood" part kills me. Also a song with just Lana and a piano is something I've been waiting for a long time.

    I just wanna hear 13 Beaches, i know itll be a bop

    I'm expecting that one to sound like High By the Beach but even better.

  8. i cant recall lol. hips dont lie has some spanish lyrics


    when was the last time you listened to lorde?

    Like 2 hours ago, "The Louvre", which is my favorite from Melodrama


    When was the last time you accidentally dropped your phone?

  9. guuuuuys I have a really great theory as to how Lust for Life is literally a continuation of Honeymoon


    As in, the continuation of a story. Not just lyrically or rhythmically, but that they cohesively go together in a storyline.


    But it goes pretty deep, and I'm not entirely sure if Lana is really that committed. lol 

    Go on  :flutter:

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