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Posts posted by Cloudbusting

  1. that's exactly how I interpreted that. She's like a replicant that is breaking free from her programming to explore love and the world. :O)

    So probably that is the message in real life, she doesn't wanna be like everyone else in the industry so now she is exploring this happier side of life, being more socially aware and having that inner dialogue clarity she spoke about once, which would be everything this album is about. 

  2. I mean, Lust for Life is kind of spacey, or at least scifi. Inadvertently. She's sort of in an alternate, technological universe, almost as if in the beginning she's a mere automaton in the Hollywood machine that ran away into the arms of Abel to enter a world where she could be herself and see the world in more clarity and humanity. 


    But maybe i'm seeing things in a Blade Runner perspective, don't mind me :hooker:

    Maybe that is actually the meaning behind that moment were she runs away from that TV studio (?) were she has to dance like everyone else, to the top of the Hollywood sign were the world is hers lol.


    We need that LFL-Blade Runner demo  :creep:

  3. let's talk about how spaceist lana is for completely dropping the space theme for the record


    i'm still upset about this lana my hopes were so high 

    I really liked the idea  :rip:   I was hoping for a witchy-spacey themed video for BAR and/or Lust For Life. Back when I pictured Lust For Life as a faster, darker version of Love  :deadbanana:

  4. I've been debating how I'm gonna listen to it and I think I'm going to go in order starting with 13 beaches because there's no way I'll be able to sit through two songs I've played to death when there are 11 new songs just to get the album in order lol

    I think I will listen to everything just to see how everything flows... can't wait for all the reviews in the "Lust For Life - Post-Release Thread"  :flutter:


    The reason I'm so hyped for 13 beaches is because I literally have no idea what to expect sonically, which is ironic but I hope it's not another HBTB trap bore.

    Idk why but I actually expected it so sound like the latest snippet of SB, maybe because I was convinced that "White lies and black beaches" part was part of 13 Beaches.



    But I need those deluxe tracks to be real  :defeated: (I know they're not)

  5. I can't believe how beautiful White Mustang is. When she first posted the snippet a while ago it made me so happy and excited and it sounded very refreshing. Now the second snippet is even better. :agree: :lange: :wowcry: :oprah: :oprah3: :oprah2: :air:

    It's perfect, and it must be one of the tracks that Lana specifically created for the fans  since it will obviously become a Lana classic. Cherry must be one of those too.

  6. Remember when it was christmas time and the UV outtakes were being leaked but all we wanted was real released material and we were dreading the thought of waiting for it until spring

    Or being so desperate that some were hoping for a surprise release on May 26th  :eartha:


    But Lana's so obsessed with writing the next Best American Record, and there was nothing yet by the time we got to May, baby, that's a shame   jk

  7. Remember when we thought it was gonna be called Solve et Colunga or some shit

    I miss it when I thought it was going to be called "Best American Record" with a futuristic-spacey theme and that it was going to be released in late March/early April

    ( :rip: ) "Solve et Coagula" sounded like an interlude or something like that lol. I'm sure it will surpass my expectations though.

  8. The only true injustice is renaming Yosemite as "Get Free" if they really did that. The song lengths are pretty good, White Mustang being 2:45 is kinda weird but I'm not excited nor looking forward to it anyways so whatever. Bet some of y'all will still be begging for LIB on LDR6... :facepalm:


    Edit: Also we already have 70 minutes of new songs so do you really think a deluxe edition is likely lol

    Lol the new thing will be begging for Architecture, Roses Bloom For You and Yosemite (if it was indeed scrapped)

  9. I'm ready for this. If she decided to leave out good songs like Architecture, Roses Bloom For You and maybe (?) Yosemite, it's because the ones that took their places are masterpieces (maybe we can make an exception for Coachella)  :creep: We know nothing about how the other songs sound like except for Love, LFL, Coachella, Cherry and some snippets so let's stop worrying about those outtakes, which will be leaked someday anyway.

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