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World At War

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Posts posted by World At War

  1. 2 minutes ago, HydroponicWeeds said:


    um disgusting is originally a kesha song (and sounds so much better tbh)

    it was the first miranda song that came to mind, only mentioned it because theres an user here using her gifs + the overall mariah manifesting meme + cardi b gif and lanas love for her, i dont really want any of those covers!!

  2. Just now, HydroponicWeeds said:

    What happened? There's so many new pages can someone update me lmao

    her hair dude tagged #chemtrailsoverthecountyclub and #violetbentbackwardsoverthegrass on his stories and posted an old lana pic with a rabbit and a hat emoji with some weird caption pointing to friday

    Just now, CruelViolet said:

    I thought this too, it might be blonde Lana 

    still exciting though!

  3. 1 minute ago, IanadeIrey said:

    If something is coming in 3 days, which is Friday, the 28th - then I think she will announce something tomorrow or Thursday! 

    I’m thinking she’s dropping a single with its music video on Friday, because that’s what Sheridan is likely involved in, I can’t imagine what else he would be this involved in! Maybe for TJF and we’ll see what that shoot at the Eric Lloyd Wright house was for?

    maybe the cover?

  4. 16 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Haha! I had thought about that, though those damn things get released in October lol.

    but a cute EP made of a couple of original moody Christmas songs would be so nice!

    i didn't know the date thing until youtube showed me an ad for a dolly parton christmas album thats getting released in october...

    but back on lana, i wouldnt even need them to be original. maybe she could do something like the kacey album, covering classics w her friends or something

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