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World At War

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Posts posted by World At War

  1. I’ve got one


    Lana Del Ray - The Magician

    Born to Die - Strength

    Paradise - The Devil

    Ultraviolence - The Hanged Man

    Honeymoon - The Hermit

    Lust for Life - Temperance

    Norman fucking Rockwell! - The Empress

    Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass - The Moon

    Chemtrails Over the Country Club - ....The Tower?

    Too early to define COCC but if it's less apocalyptic then we're expecting I feek like NFR deserves The Tower for the global warming theme

  2. Born To Die - Alligator (Blue Jeans MV)

    Paradise - Eagle (American imagery)

    Ultraviolence - Lizard ("I'm a dragon, you're a whore")

    Honeymoon - Tiger (Honeymoon MV)

    Lust For Life - Mustang (White Mustang, the horses lyric in GBA)

    Norman Fucking Rockwell! - Butterfly

    Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Cat

  3. I must be confusing it with something I saw on a fan account - but I could swear that Lana posted a video a couple days ago that had an airplane leaving chemtrails behind it, it had a purply tint to the video, and a song clip playing, and it had the album title and release date in kind of a cheesy font with a drop-shadow. I feel like it was on Twitter maybe. But now I can't find it anywhere. Did anyone else see this?

    someone posted it here! it's fanmade, though, and was posted by a brazilian troll acc. i think the sound clip is from the leaked snippet that was rumoured to be in the birds of prey movie but im not sure


  4. what are they even doing in the video? i assumed recording a MV based on the other video charlie was filming but why would the cat meowing bother them since the music will go over the original audio track anyways? also.. does she have some sort of sound mixer (?) infront of her? im not a music person, so dont judge me if i sound totally off, just confused :toofunny:

    maybe she was getting distracted by the cat rather than the sound being an actual issue to the video? idk

  5. (I can already see so well that opening sentence in a review of the album...)

    I'm not usually a review writer, but if I've been thinking about writing something for COCC when it's out and my first thought was exactly this, to contextualize it w the Instagram scandal lol. Even news about "Violet" and "Behind the iron gates" have mentions to it, so I bet Chemtrails coverage will be filled of nods to those posts.

  6. Does any know if critics review spoken album? Im very curious

    The first "big" spoken word album I could think of was the just released Dalai Lama's Inner World album and according to Wikipedia only The Times, Clash and The Independent reviewed it. Violet being a Lana album, though, I imagine music journalists will want to have a say on it, specially with Jack producing it, so it might gather more attention that that.

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