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Everything posted by ultrabanisters

  1. is what i'll be doing in a few hours when lana announces her perfume line to coincide with the release A&W
  2. when are we going to give up the long random food title joke its old now
  3. me next year when i post 'omg insider VioletBunny said valley of the dolls is on ldrX'
  4. giggling to myself in my room rn lemme stop
  5. lana on 23rd january where she releases a&w (with sample) and posts a long paragraph thanking everyone and boz
  6. God Please Stand On The Shoulders Of My Grandfather While He's Deep-Sea Fishing would have worked SO much better
  7. what did he say wait nvm i think the reason for her not WAS because the titles are weird and ugly
  8. might post a lana album dream and semi allude to it being a real leak so i can get on that one ldr twitter account that people take as gospel
  9. in the cock in the cock in the cockpit i'm your baby
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