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Everything posted by ultrabanisters

  1. its generic shopify code most likely wont be a countdown
  2. i KNOW gayjailer posts are shitposts but weve been in a fucking drought let a gay dream plus the picture is stunning idec
  3. ok but i would 100% be here for this cover person who posted said its the cover but its probs a joke sksks from normanrockwhale on twitter
  4. what the fuck cannot remember where i saw this but if this was the cover... mamas got a hit
  5. jks she knows what we know hehe
  6. bitch is gonna start singing and wonder how every gay knows the lyrics
  8. all you ladies on some csi shit and im still trying to find a way to get accepted back into the @@HONEYMOON instagram after i unfollowed her
  9. "i still dont have a concrete release date sorry" "tracklist keeps changing its still not final" at least make it sound believable
  10. the new logo for her website omg and the music video OMGGG
  11. neohumanism has been around since nfr was announced and i always knew she was fake. it annoys me bc fans think its lana in the comments and whoever owns the account just deletes the comments of people saying its not lana
  12. pls mass report neohumanism for impersonation because it isnt lana, were gonna get another china.palace and i dont have the energy for that after the nfr mess
  13. implying smellanie is gonna block her from something?? no words
  14. YESS i hope the sewer picture really is the album cover i love it
  15. bitch you actin like other stans have gotten any info out of her maybe if american stans like win didn't fuck around we'd have the release date by now
  16. im your cauliflower im your bloody nose lick my petals off and make my shart explode
  17. baby please just paste the link and post it im desperate!!
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