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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. i don't want her to cancel because us uk children are concert malnourished but at the same time i do because i want her to gag the event organisers
  2. uk law requires free entry for competitions run here, hence the postal vote option (which is free to do i suppose), but it's easier to just pay to enter
  3. hope they feel thee lana del rey's full and uninhibited wrath you don't disrespect her like that
  4. june 3rd - june 21st uk & some european countries mini tour
  5. boring… yawning… sloppy… lazy pointing out irrelevant facts doesnt make you a cultural saviour btw anyways lets stick to discussing the ALBUM coming out in a few weeks! give it up for ocean blvd everybody!
  6. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE INFORMATION, MAKE REFERENCE TO, OR DISCUSS ANY ILLEGAL OR VULGAR POSTS THAT ORIGINATE ON OR OFF OF THIS WEBSITE PLEASE JUST REPORT THE POST ON THE WEBSITE PLEASE DO NOT SEARCH FOR ANY UNRELEASED MATERIAL IF YOU DO, DO NOT CLICK ON ANYTHING BUT .MP3 FILES this thread has gotten out of hand. thank you to the users who uphold the rules and allow lanaboards to be a safe environment. if you see anything wrong, please use the report tool and we will get to it quickly i apologise if anyone saw anything inappropriate
  7. everyday we stray further from gods grace in this thread i feel content not listening to the snippets though. stay strong soldiers
  8. nfr is at the bottom of my album ranking imo it's incredibly overrated so i have no doubt this album will surpass her
  9. yeah this was posted an hour before the rosemead exclusive incident i wrongfully manifested
  10. 1. cruel world 2. honeymoon 3. the grants 4. ride 5. textbook 6. born to die 7. white dress 8. nfr 9. love
  11. so i wanted to make my first listens to these tracks special so i went for a morning walk by the ocean and it was so beautiful. the tracks are gorgeous and i cant believe this woman peaks with every move she makes. she is an unstoppable force as it stands: 1. the grants/sweet 2. fingertips 3. a&w 4. title track indiviual thoughts: i wont be listening to them anymore until release to respect lana, but overall this record is shaping up to be one of her best
  12. this has been an.. interesting day it’s 2:30am so i am sleeping goodnight hope nothing else L words
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