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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. they've been locked in the random lana discussion this thread is safe for another day so guys lets discuss the smash hit the grants out this tuesday give it up for the grants everybody
  2. this happens every era... multiple times. people say they have it and either show proof or make up excuses as to why they cant show it if the album leaks, the album leaks. if it doesn't, it doesn't. lettuce all be patient and wait for lanas big birthday bash surprise party on tuesday which will entail her doing a cartwheel for the first time since childhood the album most likely WILL NOT leak from a vinyl rip anyway. the last time i remember something like that happening was when cassette girl happened during nfr. besides, you want to listen to an album in high quality. i ruined my NFR and LFL first listens that way and regret it (now... don't spam the thread please )
  3. ella is lb users friend who was working with her coworker who geeked out this ellaboards lore ijbol
  4. ldrcloset lore proving entertaining on this fine sunday afternoon
  5. thinking about the best troll moment to ever grace a pre-release you just had to be there can't wait for history to repeat itself in this thread @plastiscguy reminder to not download random files from the internet
  6. the merch is fake lol the shiny uneven application is a dead giveaway if the incorrect photos werent already enough of an indication i don’t know whats going ok with the ldrclosets account, but remember a few days ago they posted those weird posts seemingly trying to convince people they knew about the dua collab before anyone else like they were trying to be the first to have something… i unfollowed it’s getting weird
  7. the avoidance of the questions about candy necklace is so funny just admit you dont have it and it was a late album addition
  8. yeah those vinyls are 100% real theres the other variant in the bottom left too album incoming please prepare
  9. um lets not attack other users looks even as a joke... it just makes you look weird and rude and like niko said, lets just be a bit nicer and wait till tuesday
  10. the grants is a collapse of a song but it doesn't make sense out of the context of the album to a more casual fan i think sweet would've been a better choice, or grandfather the grants has to be coming with something big. i say either something video related or tour related
  11. i’m sorry this is so fucjing funny what do they think they’re doing why are they lying like that
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