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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. the albums that deserve critical acclaim dont usually get it when it comes to lana so as much as i'm keeping my hopes up i dont know if the wordiness will resonate with critics that much. theres a reason nfr is so widely liked i'll just say that
  2. the collapse that will be my first listen at 12am by the ocean (i live by the sea) followed by a 12 hour flight to california the next day where i will continue my listen on the west coast
  3. first sending me links via dm and now making up misinformation thinking about lipsters 2023 rn
  4. do not respond to or entertain the above y'all ^^^
  5. think a certain insider might be getting jealous over legendsugi's spills getting the attention maybe
  6. j*red is and always has been a troll he just wants attention
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