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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. i remember begging for it so much and when l+f was put out in stores like weeks earlier i just kept asking whether you was changed and i was so upset
  2. ive stanned this woman since my older brother would play obsessions on his ipod but jesus christ is she disingenuous now i don’t know what happened but post froot (her best album) she became a virtue signaling performative ‘activist’ with some of the worst lyrics of her career i enjoyed l+f and adiaml to an extent but the decline in quality was so obvious anyways i digress the tree post was so funny
  3. i literally thought of the EXACT same post when i read that i always laugh when i think about it
  4. what in the hell possessed all of you to convince yourselves she will be performing at THE GRAMMYS like this is lana were talking about here
  5. i think vulgar is lusforlife and i really believe that my theory would be too smart for some people i believe
  6. girl the hell you talking abt at this point this being my 2000th post hi guys!
  7. https://www.aha-music.com/ play the song here send the link when its recognised mwah (i dont even believe you im just sick of everyone clogging up the thread thinking youre real and need this disproved quickly)
  8. btw they ignored the aha music link request so they're fake we can all move on
  9. @Vulgar the ONLY true test for an insider now is the aha music link ignore if you're fake
  10. then nikki lane walks in and they perform breaking up slowly (acoustic) [reprise] - slowed down *with reverb*
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