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Everything posted by Dyl

  1. Dyl

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Guys I screamed. She replied to my tweet https://twitter.com/marinadiamandis/status/1091790539299672066?s=21
  2. Omg I haven’t been on this thread since like page 20 good lord anyways I got sent thisntonight and died. Had to share haha
  3. I’m so glad I got baked for this holy shit
  4. So late to get back on here but I absolutely love MAC. The way she says my, my, my and uh just the range of this song I love this sound so much I’m so ready to experience this era
  5. I feel like get free is 99.9% perfect but I wish she would have done something else with the production in the pre-chorus And chorus. Those cheesy 1-2, 1, 1-2, 1 drum beats or snares or whatever seem too simple like anyone could have done that on GarageBand. I wish she would have made this part sound more “groovy” like TNC, cause to me the song gives me wavy hippie vibes. But honestly the Lizzy vocals and the message itself scalp me so hard I can hardly care.
  6. Comparing OTTR to a slow af tempo Beatles vibe song is like comparing McDonald’s to Cheesecake Factory. They’re each in their own category.
  7. Stevie Nicks is a fucking legend. You should be happy you even like Lana cause clearly you have shit taste.
  8. When I’m high, God’s and monsters last hours for me and I fucking love it. LFL is such an incredible album for smoking out to
  9. Holy shit you guys Heroin is the second part to White Mustang. Start the two songs at the same time they have the same melody in different keys, but Heroin is in a higher key because the song is talking about getting high, “flying to the moon” and taking meds to kill her thoughts. Jesus this woman is too good to be real does this mean everything between WM and Heroin is her high, like her fantasized ideaology of what she wants out of life and what she’s working towards, and then change being the part where she comes down from the high realizing change is coming which leads to get free.... SHE DID THAT
  10. That’s literally what being high is lol. Enjoy, sis! I tried listening to it when it leaked cause I was in my hammock on a cliff overlooking a lake watching the sunset and it was perfect except I couldn’t find the link lmao.
  11. Probably not, she didn’t really sing the full length of some songs and some of them she just came in on parts.
  12. Do you get coin every time you plug *summer research school* cause I’ve seen it in literally every post you’ve made lol. (Joking, don’t take it personal haha)
  13. Listening a few more times and... The chorus of 13 Beaches when she sings “That I've been dying for something real” still gets me EVERY DAMN TIME. also, I actually really love White Mustang lyrically and sonically except the fact she just repeats the title over and over. The song starts soooo cute and has a nice bridge as well. She could have done something like “The day I saw your white mustang, I knew my life had changed, the day I saw hour white mustang but then you never came etc etc.” still madly in love with 98% of this album.
  14. Guys were so lucky to have Lana honestly. Like. I am so happy I get to experience her thoughts and lyrics I really need her to write an autobiography
  15. LOOK Edward and McKenzie. Y’all need to wait your bit has turns. I am on this wonderful mans spotify streaming lans HALFWAY THROUGH uninterrupted and then y’all keep changing it to your devices how rude. Ur killing my high you bitches. I’m-feeling-very-attacked-right-now.gif
  17. You guys I’m in a spring float just floating in my pool High as heck the water is 85* the sun is baking and I just got my tie dye Knockarounds in the Mail Music To Watch Boys To is on and I’m literally in a new dimension. I need to hear LFL I cannot frankin’ WAIT good lord this is gonna be good.
  18. So I haven’t heard Cherry in its entirety or any of the newer snippets that came after the two ASAP songs.... ur boi is READY. (Also, when I try to add a gif is tells me “you are not allowed to use that image extension on this community” uhhh????)
  19. I need Lana to put out a music video to cherry feat some tasty men like this guy plz
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