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niandra lades

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Posts posted by niandra lades

  1. Thank you, I love Lana's poetry. Her words are very genuine.

    Right! They really seem to come from the core of her heart... She's just being nostalgic, sweet, romantic and random Lana, which means she's being herself...


    My favorite thing about her music and her is the way she talks and thinks and writes of love. So you can just imagine how much I like her poetry.


    They really are super personal, I respect and love that she feels like sharing them with us... some of these really seem to be like, really only directed to the one she's writing about (or to)

  2. Personally I like them. They're all over the place, the choices of words seem random sometimes and like the first things that come to her mind and that's the appeal (imo). I really, really like them. When she posted Happy I actually teared up a tad bit, and no one likes that one (remains my favorite, too). I love the rhyming, I really do. I loved the Tesla mom car and the it's practically Elizabethan without the horses. I think they're quirky and fun and sweet just like her.


    I know she's not, I don't know, Rimbaud, but the thing is, I don't think she's pretending to be any other than herself. She's just feeling her emotions and letting them on paper. If she was aiming to be "A Poet" I'm sure her poetry would be waaaay different. Polished to say the least. I like it like this.


    They're characteristic. It's like when I'm reading Garcia Lorca or Alejandra Pizarnik: they're them. I won't ever confuse Pizarnik with any other nor I would confuse Lana with Rupi Kaur. Her poems sound just like broken screen phone, ketchup stained laptop, house near the freeway (in Mar Vista by the beach) Lana. Genuine and a bit weird.


    I mean what kind of poetry could anyone expect of a millionaire who willingly lives that close to a damn freeway...

  3. I get you tbh. There was a time I didn't care for those songs since both me and the world overplayed them. But I appreciate the place they were coming from and in what period of time they were released... and besides I was 12 when she released BTD! Now I listen to them with another mindset and after actually living life. 


    Do you think she could've released BTD now? I mean, with some of those lyrics... It caused a lil outrage back (to tha basics) then, I can't imagine now. I'm sure music industry wouldn't be what it is today w/o her. 


    Besides... Those red Converse she used in the BTD video!


    Remember when she was seen w Axl Rose? And later Marilyn Manson? God, I love her.

    Nobody was like her. No one did things like Blue Jeans, VG, BTD and SS, she BLEW MY MIND with the Born To Die video... Her expressions, the visuals, everything she represented. She was so sensual ❤ so different and special. The Blue Jeans video too — whenever I watch it I go "Oh my Goddddd" and tbh that annoying backup "Sing!" ... I love it. 

    I'm so nostalgic! 

  4. My mom blames my smoking on Lana Del Rey. So, where do I even start on Born to Die?


    Ranking to me goes:

    1) Born to Die

    2) Video Games

    3) Blue Jeans

    4) Without you

    5) Off to the Races

    6) National Anthem (Demo included)

    7) Million Dollar Man

    8) Dark Paradise

    9) Summertime Sadness

    10) Diet Mtn Dew

    11) Radio

    12) Carmen

    13) Lucky Ones

    14) Lolita

    15) This is what makes us girls


    I remember the first time I listened to her so clearly... She made such a big impact in my life. And everyone turned on her so fast, but now they see BTD as the great thing it is. Truly made a platform for good artists and for... Well, not so good acts. And she's such an inspiration in pop music, gosh, I love BTD ❤️ So much! It was such a fun era! Little angel tryna be Amy on that private concert in France... Even made me think Bradley Soileau was cute LOL

  5. I refer to black leggings black shirt Mormon hair Lana as Elizabeth Woolridge Grant and tbh it's freeing. Hitchcock muse Bond girl Lana died in 2015 after Honeymoon. But anyways I Hope that like, lyrically and musically NFR surpasses Honeymoon or whatever album you would use instead, if that happens I won't care if she decides to go only w a g-string made solely of her armpit hairs.


    Kim Gordon's statements always bothered me. Hating on Lana was the fashion back then but I'm sure she thought she was special for saying that. Oh, famous "legends" whose "fame" took away their common sense. But then again, the biggest flaw I always saw on Kurt Cobain was hin heing a Sonic Youth fan so don't pay me attention.

  6. Me: Lana's having an existential crisis... Get it... The whole insta baddie matcha drinking charade... Can feel her pain deeply. She's obviously depressed...

    Lana at her home: *slaps own ass* *giggles at the mirror watching her buttcheeks moving inside those neon yoga pants she obviously owns but won't wear outside*

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