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Posts posted by hornymoon

  1. Wow. So Lana is really doing country now huh? I hope you ugly folk gays are happy!




    All this talk about that ugly trash yosemite hillbilly bitch song and now she's turned to the dark side, happy country music sucks so bad i cant even explain it. If she's really going down this route then she better give us some depressing ass ballads OR ELSE this is gonna be a complete disaster, the lack of taste here is uncanny..... I'm not even that on board with the sound of MAC AND VB but at least they're still cute tracks, this is a mess and me and hornymoon will NOT STAND FOR IT

    You're doing amazing sweetie, ignore any of those trail mix molasses chewing tobacco spitting bumpkins sending hate your way! x 

    Those nasty folk lovers think we're vapid and all we wanna do is have bops to twerk and sniff poppers to but that's NOT true.. mostly we just want music with SUBSTANCE. Folk and cunty country just ain't it! Lana needs to return to grunge/rock, don't act like y'all didn't wet y'all panties when she mentioned the words "Surf Rock"

  2. Why is everyone so against country? There's actually some good country out there like Dolly Parton, Bob Dylan, Townes Van Zandt, Johnny Cash etc. Some of you really need to broaden your genres. It's not all about pop and indie.

    I love Dolly and don't mind country for other artists but when it comes to Lana Del Rey it's just a no from me fam, everything that she's done with the folk/country genre has been so stagnant and uninspired (However Fine China is a masterpiece and one of the only songs in that genre I love from her)

    I'm not asking for lana to become a pop girl but country/folk is not exciting to me.. maybe it's because I'm not american and I can't connect to it but it's just why go country when there's grunge and rock..

  3. I'll always have respect and a deep love for her because she's THAT bitch, 2011-2014 was THAT peak and there will never be a indie/pop girl to come close to what she has done with her artistry and as a gay I will always be in some degree a fan HOWEVER since LFL my excitement and anticipation for her art and new releases has waned and I don't feel that spark like before. If she continues to deliver unfulfilling uninspired visuals, boring pedestrian fashion non-moments and stagnant live performances and if NFR fails to deliver I'll probably demote myself from being a stan and just casually wait for something good   :lolliney:

  4. I'm gonna throw up timmy trash the best feature? stone cold??? girls...i-



    y'all gays need to stop sniffing too many poppers it's leaving your brains rotted, That ugly chav left a big shit stain on Delicious and y'all are out here gassing him out and actually thinking it's good?.. talent left the forum! mumble rap is not cute and never will be, charli needs to stay away from ugly white boy rappers

  5. I'm not one for collabs but I'd really be here for a Courtney Love collab tbh, Courtney is so wild I think they could invoke the spirit of UV while giving us some dark slutty lyrics about satanism and vapid girl stuff ala Celebrity Skin!  :sluttybunny:  It'd tie in well with NFR if they give it a psychedelic twist but alas lana would rather spend her time and artistic energy collaborating with machine gun smelly 

  6. Summer of 2016 I was with family in Stresa,Italy on vacation, it was my first vacation in years after suffering from chronic anxiety and being a shut in (thankfully I'm all good now!) anyway we visited all the botanical islands on Lake Maggiore, we stopped on the final island Isola Madre and I went down to the rocky beach by the lake the sun was beaming down upon me and remember it being so hot and bright.I got out my portable speaker and started to play the album Honeymoon and as I just sat there with the waves crashing onto the shore as Salvatore played I was just in bliss.. it was like a real moment of clarity for me, I felt so happy to be overcoming my battle with anxiety I just felt like so many new doors were opening for me. While most of you know my love for UV I'll always have a deep connection with Honeymoon and specially the song Salvatore, when I feel down I listen to that song to remind me of that day and how at peace I felt

  7. I don't care if y'all gays are tired of xcx3 I need the damn album! I need a world fucking tour she won't do that for a mixtape.. I'm so done with these spardodic concerts she'll do only in london, the UK angels need love too! Y'all new York gays got it good you guys are like partying with her every month I have yet to even see my queen live I'm so sad..she loves America too much

  8. well on a "optimistic" note if this work ever even see's the light of day I know it's gonna be the record of the decade with how much time she's meticulously worked on it..Voices Carry was just ethereal and if that's just a teaser to the record than just damn.


    she's still a stupid bitch tho.

  9. I'm gonna confess this in the safety of this thread but I'm looking forward to seeing her in Manchester I've been waiting since 2012 to see her! I might wear a lana shirt I hope she throws free soaps at me

  10. I love how she didn't give a specific date just "winter"  :toofunny: even she knows she can't trust herself! maybe she means this winter but in an alternative universe where she wasn't a crack hoe

  11. I NEVER liked the bitch lfl when she first came out I listened to her I was like she's not a pretty girl I was even high but it didn't make the bitch better! I agree that there is a lot more people trashing her now before it used to just be me, the good sister terrence and some others. I think people just woke up, the release hype was gone leaving behind a steaming shit pile of an album some y'all stans have to just accept lana put out some bad work and that's OK!

  12. if you're complaining about lazy vocals on LANAboards then log off and go listen to someone else. not everything has to be about flexing vocals lmao. this isn't an ariana grande forum you stupid gays

    She's a singer, who used to have a lot of passion and emotion in her voice especially in live performances are y'all getting that from her now? Bc I'm not, no one is asking her to be ariana grande we just want her to give a shit and not mumble her way thru a piece of paper or over a backing track and don't act brand new like this isn't the same woman who used to scream her soul out to million dollar man and shades of cool

  13. I really don't understand why her vocals are so uninspiring and bland nowadays, it's like she doesn't wanna get out of her safe space and experiment with delivery again.. the vocals on UV were insane and caked with rawness and emotion, if only she could channel that energy again for this new record she sings like such a deary folk singer it's boring. NFR is such a sassy album name pls bring the attitude and energy back lana

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