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Posts posted by hornymoon

  1. lizard looking bitch a mess. I can't @ people on her instagram be like "sky...take your time..take care of yourself babe!" I saw her saying in her instagram comments that she's aiming for a winter release LOL  :rip:

  2. Lana is too good for this world and us she doesn't deserve the shit she has to deal with, stalkers leaking very personal pictures, psycho's wanting to kidnap her and impregnate her and this is all in one era it's all fucked up it's heartbreaking watching that video I'm so angry. This album was supposed to a spread a message of love and peace for the fans but she's getting none of that in return. I really hope after this era is done she'll take a personal break she deserves it.

  3. Just for y'all dissing the features I hope XCX 3 is a collab record. I plant that see & I will see it harvest! We'll get No Angel ft. Jay Park & Alma with good girls ft. Bts

    well done you just left the most homophobic comment I've ever seen on this thread, I'm logging out x  :runs:

  4. Tommy is god awful and doesn't even deserve to have the title of being called a rapper, Charli has a real knack at finding the worst male "rappers" on the scene and letting them ruin her music and that's the T

  5. gaga now just needs to meet SOPHIE....someone dm her ponyboy and BAM...Gaga doing PC Music.photo-thumb-3639.jpg?_r=1517172876

    stop fucking saying every artist needs to do pc music, they don't. This is how you make a genre over saturated, Sophie isn't god, you glorify pc music like it's groundbreaking and the end all. Leave pc music to Charli and let Gaga do her shit 

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzELwmB5V9M


    wow these girls had the audacity to say that the media tried to make Charli happen, but she's actually garbage. They also said her career is thankfully over now :defeated:


    Start watching from 21:30 

    It starts off about Bebe Rexha but turns into Charli slander 

    Dua Lupus being so much more talented than Charli?... Only room for one pop girl Rita or Bebe...? I-


  7. how is she supporting a rapper with no bars that's transphobic and homophobic when more than half her fanbase are gay and trans kids and not to mention how charli's collaborated with lots of artists in the lgbtq community like kim petras/mykki etc. Ouch ngl  :awk:

  8. love how messy this has become, gays turning on each other, personal attacks, drama, messy ugly soundcloud snippets, body shaming. Might as well rename this thread Bad Gays Club, this thread was nice while it lasted rip x



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