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Posts posted by hornymoon

  1. I was looking at a few old videos and articles about how fake Lana was because of her look, and how vapid and melodramatic her music was. It made me think about how much I loved her fake beauty queen look. I loved her puffy (fake) lips in video games, and how dramatic and over produced BtD was and how dramatic the MV's where. I loved how in the Ride video she was playing a girl that hitchhikes and hangs around at truck stops and sings at sleazy bars, all while looking glam. When I was 13 and I found out who she was, I thought I had found my artistic soul mate.  I started painting my nails red and over lining my lips. I wore mini dresses and skirts all the time (even in winter lmao). I remeber telling everyone at school about her. And you know when I look at pics of Lana from 2011-2013 I get the same magically feeling I did when I first saw them, but that's how I feel everytime I look at anyone I consider a beauty icon. Lana also showed me how far being yourself can get you (I know that's super fucking corny).

    Oh here's the tea! 

    Agreed 100% over  :mariah:  the reasons why alot of gays and girls fell in love with Lana in the first place was because she was 100 percent committed to her aesthetics was never seen without a lash or a nail and always brought us drama through her music and videos. She just oozed femininity and sex appeal and it was iconic, these days I get the feeling she's over that and doesn't really care much about aesthetics and serving looks and wants to get away from that image because of all the backlash she got so I can see why and we can all agree we want her to be happy and respected but to me it just makes these era's a little boring the music is there but the visuals and drama gone


    except girls night out, that song can die


    NO I will not take GNO slander on here. I'll let y'all have your fun with saying POP 2 is better than N1A because not everyone can have good taste but this is just disgusting.



    I'll put in a prayer for you tonight sweetie I really hope god looks out for you x

  3. the personal attacks and bullying on here is kind of disgusting and gross, y'all think that because you have a few unleaked charli songs you have clout?? lmao sad you boys are vermin 

  4. Okay so as some of you know, I'm studying to be a lawyer and this is what I know:


    1. Chord progressions are not protected under the law because they are generally universal products and easy to copy -- it's like if Hershey or Toblerone said that they were the only manufacturers allowed to make chocolate. Radiohead can't sue based on chord progressions. Musical theorists have a saying that "everything is a remix." It's impossible to make a song that has no echo of a past song.
    2. The legal standard for copyright infringement is "substantial similarity" which is a relatively hard test to prove. Radiohead's attorneys need to prove that the songs are substantially similar in order to win, if they are going for copyright infringement, which is a lot harder than just proving that the songs are "similar." "Substantial" is the key word.
    3. Wasn't Radiohead sued by The Hollies for this song? And they lost? If so, this gives them very unsteady legal ground to stand on.

    I'll update as I think of more.


    Update: also, intent doesn't matter much in the context of copyright infringement; whether Lana/Nowels etc. intended (meant) to copy Creep is irrelevant. If the court finds that she did, in fact, copy the song then it won't matter if it was a mistake or not.


    we love a smart gay

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