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Posts posted by hornymoon

  1. YES MA, give us that fucking fire and energy for the next record all these clout chasers and hiveminded haters can suck Lana's artistic dick

    The new yorker fucking jumped OUT and said she's not playing with children that weren't even there when she came on the scene. Chile we streaming Tropico today x

  2. I do agree she shouldn't have named women like Nicki (who received/receives intense hate and scrutiny for being sexually unapologetic and much like a pararell to lana was not taken seriously in music and the rap world for having theatric persona and having to dial it back to be taken seriously despite being one of the most talented female mcs in the game)


    but she said what she said.. lana is just telling her story with no filter no carefully thought out words no pr machine behind her... i dont believe there was any malicious intent to be racist and bring down women of colour i think she admires these women and use them as references because she probably personally knows them but this is just my two cents as a poc

  3. The fact that NFR got so much high praise and nods to by critics and the media while being one of her most removed from 'ldr persona' where she put her femininity on the back burner tells you enough and shows the double standard she gets judged by, for example people like Anthony fantono not taking works like UV seriously (which has some of most gorgeous production and wordplay imo) because of the way she's presented herself back then

  4. yall she said what she fucking said... criticize her for not being elegant and careful with what she wrote but everything she said is absolutely valid!


    Y'all can police her words but this is the raw unfiltered lana yall been begging for, she said alot of ppl will be scared and she'll NAME them too hssdjdj but seriously all these alt/pop girls came from her fucking artistic womb..like the cultural impact and reset this woman caused with the amount of hate and gate keeping she got from those first 2 records from music critics and feminists and even other artists like Lorde

    with all these other women in music who haved benefitted and used lana as a source of inspiration (camilla, hasley, billie, Kali etc) who can express their sexuality and femininity or angst while getting accolades and praise from the media while she was shunned for it..shit im fucking mad for her too y'all srry im heated

  5. the fact that she made this in such a short amount of time with this amount of quality...chile wheres her accolades and awards?? give the bitch her dicks she deserves yall...pink diamond is for the faggots yall smell that

  6. im just over here waiting patiently for it be on Spotify in my region bc im too lazy to do that vpn shit..yall posts are making my pussy wet tho omg

  7. It would have worked better as an album track it's not a bad song just not single worthy..charli doesn't have a good ear for what should be a single since like after the after party..i like it tho it feels like a demo from 2011

  8. I've been waiting for her to go back to bubblegum pop like she completely lost me w all that trap trash so I like it, it's very high energy 

  9. i do miss pre-autotune charli alot i know to alot of fans her vocals don't rlly matter as long as we get bops and autotune but them true romance vocals even up untill number 1 angel.. phew chile we didn't appreciate them enough when we had them

  10. also the ending with them KISSING..shoving STRAIGHT HETERO LOVE down my throat was a bit much chile..but they cute u can tell they're very in love

  11. yall I can't even come up in words how much I really stan and love her like...yall imagine stanning a popstar who is so giving to her fans and so in touch with them that she even knows we exist on this sub forum faggot website that's not even for her sqswhdsjwqkdw like thats wild. Idk about y'all but this bitch can take the last of my quarantine money she deserves it its ok i dont need to eat when she feeding us this much..phew

  12. nfr is a bad album she should never work with jack again he brings only the laziness out of her


    she needs to go back to new york as well..new york has the best dermatologists ever since she went to la her face has been fucked and so has her artistry


    and I miss gangsta nancy sinatra lost lolita in the hood lana alot that was my favourite phase of hers

  13. I feel like whoever produced this just added heavy distortion for the sake of adding it + its trendy and it really takes away from the song.

    literally they probably like "fuck idk what to do with the background..it sounds empty let me add some acid filter car crash noises to fill it up"

  14. it's a cute song but there's a lot going on...id rather it be a bit minimal in sound then ag just throwing this acid filter on it just to create noise but I won't be too harsh on it! The song has alot of texture and the start of the song I liked, it gave me diy made in the back of car in sweden heartbreaks and super ultra earthquakes vibes which i badly want from charli! Also the chorus and some parts gave me Miss U vibes too, its a cute girl but I hate that horrible car crash acid filter sound

  15. this is already gonna be a hot faggot mess..yall i hope theres the fans with taste in that zoom conference call..you know the fans that want her to grow as an artist and not rerelease vroom vroom taxi sophie 2.0 but this sounds very fun but like instagram live is fine idk whats with the choice of zoom? i guess to build hype since only a few lucky gays will see it

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