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Posts posted by TrashMagiq

  1. Do we know if Rewind Your Heart will be on the album? Idc about what other songs she includes I trust her judgement I just neeeed her to put Rewind Your Heart on it. Her best song truly like that's a classic went nr1 on the trashmagiq charts for 23 weeks. 


    On 8/14/2023 at 4:34 PM, cyanide kisses said:

    praying rewind your heart makes it onto this album


    On 8/14/2023 at 7:19 PM, Beauty King said:


    She said it made the cut in her TikTok comments. Here's a list of the confirmed ones so far:


      Reveal hidden contents

    Don't Get Mad, Get Famous
    Everything But You
    Forever 21
    Hot City
    I Wanna Fucking Call You
    Jenny's Got a Boyfriend
    Rewind Your Heart

    And a few that she said she was considering, but weren't confirmed to have made it:
    Soundtrack to the End
    Just a Kiss


    She's also said all of these next set are scrapped for various reasons:

      Reveal hidden contents

    American Girl
    Hit Me Up
    Right Now
    Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt
    Waking Up Diagonal
    Wild Card



    not me seeing this right after I posted I rlly just had to scroll up a little bit to get my question answered :toofunny:
    I won!

  2. 2 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    Stream the og versions all u want but no need to come into the Taylor Swift thread to talk about how you think she’s the devil for selling merch :toofunny: I think the tactics can be shady but also I really dgaf because I’m not dumb enough to buy four vinyls of the same album


    Why would I not go into the Taylor Swift thread to discuss Taylor Swift lmao… I gave very specific examples of how I think she’s exploiting her fans, it’s very clearly not about her just selling merch. Some of you swifties are very tiring immediately jumping on the defense while completely ignoring everything that’s being said. I’m not saying she’s the devil on earth should be burned at the stake and we should all boycott her (I still listen to her music and keep up with her releases), I’m simply acknowledging the fact that she exploits her fans.

  3. 6 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

    Help so she has a good marketing and merch team ?? Who's main goal is to make money ??


    Yeah that’s exactly what it comes down to… their main goal is to make money. Which is why I find it real odd when people are defending her with all their life and telling people to only stream the re-recordings of her music like there’s some kind of close connection they have with her. Swifties’ parasocial relationships with her get a bit too out of control. She’s here to make money, and she’s obviously good at doing so.

  4. A lot of you are completely missing the point omg it’s not about the amount of vinyl variations, it’s about the slimey tactics. Lana’s not out here releasing the same CD 4 times with each having a different journal knowing fans will buy several copies of the album to collect all 4 lmao. And I’d be saying the same about Lana if she was doing all that. Either way I don’t really care, but saying Taylor doesn’t exploit her fans is kinda delusional.

  5. You really can't deny that she takes advantage of her fans' parasocial relationship with her. It's very blatant and she has absolutely no shame about it. This is the same woman that drops different vinyl variations one at a time for a limited time only instead of just dropping them all at once. The same woman that released 4 "Journal Versions" of Lover with each having a different journal so fans will buy 4 copies. The same woman that made the back of the different Midnights variations on both vinyl and CD form a clock so fans would buy all 4, along with a clock stand for both vinyl and CD. And it doesn't end there. She's not your friend, she's a business woman. Putting energy into defending her and telling people to stream the (inferior) "Taylor's Version"s of albums is crazy to me. (mainly directed at the twitter swifties, haven't see much of that behaviour on here)

  6. Motorbike is amazing, I looove how she's fully going back to pop. I can already see people hating on this decision because of the pretentious "pop = bad" mindset but I really think she thrives with this sound. So far this album feels like an evolved version of what she was doing on some of Am I A Girl, without it sounding like it was made for Poppy the character like a lot of AIAG did. 

  7. Talk to Me Nice is one of my fav releases of the year it's So good. Not a big fan of Needs tho. The song's too repetitive for me and the chorus sounds like it was made for tiktok. I do like the 1 verse in that song though. 

  8. This album still being a month away... I'm surprised it hasn't leaked yet tbh (I mean 3 songs have but...) snippets of the entire album have been out for so long now. 

  9. She recently confirmed to a fan that the album's coming later this year! With Just a Waste on it allegedly. I heard some talk about how it was gonna come out this month but got postponed, idk what that's about though. Either way I'm so excited, not a single song she has released has been a miss for me so far.

  10. Just listened to that Reload EP and,, was she actually gonna release this or are these just random songs she recorded for some other purpose because these are kinda ass omg...

  11. 1 hour ago, MeantToBeIconic said:



    This was a thing???


    Forget the Blue Lives Matter stuff, this is cancel worthy right here


    I remember she said in her popheads AMA that she made the song for her and Nadia and Nadia loved it but her pregnancy got in the way of it happening or something. A loss for the culture.

  12. This wearing white to a wedding discourse :toofunny:. Some people just think it's a special thing to have the bride be the only one in white and have the focus on her, and obvs some don't care. I don't know why anyone would want to actively go against the "don't wear white to a wedding" thing though like do you wanna wear white so bad and possibly upset the bride bsdhf it's never that serious. But like I said before Lana's dress was literally fine it's a short dress with some floral print on it.

  13. Current ranking now that it's been almost a month since The Loveliest Time's release:

    1. The Loveliest Time (her best idc idc this album is So good)
    2. Emotion Side B+ (hits harder than the regular album tbh. B+ cause Cut to the Feeling's inclusion's vital, and the cover's cuter)
    3. Emotion (a classic)
    4. The Loneliest Time (has some of her best songs)
    5. Dedicated Side B
    6. Dedicated (has higher highs than side B but side B is better as a whole)
    7. Kiss (it's cute but it's not the type of album I'd listen to from front to back)
    8. Tug of War (I've maybe heard this album twice)

  14. Thinking about how we could've gotten Lottery feat. Nadia Oh like it really would've been the conservative serve of the century... But instead we got that terrible Aja feature :/

  15. 10 minutes ago, Embach said:

    I read from reddit that Lana supposed to play the main role in The Love Witch, is it true? Like reddit can't be a trusted source.


    I feel like she made a song for that movie. But it's just me speculating


    No she wasn't supposed to play the main role in The Love Witch :toofunny:. I saw a tiktok that said the director wanted her to originally play the part but never reached out, but I feel like they just made that up cause the only thing I saw the director of The Love Witch say about Lana is that the comparisons of her and Elaine are superficial. Newer Lana fans tend to just make up their won facts, especially on tiktok and reddit lmao.

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