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Posts posted by TrashMagiq

  1. tbh I really don't want a feat on it, unless it's like, Britney, which is probs never gonna happen but imagine how iconic that would be. I like Troye but, meh? I don't see him adding anything to the song.

  2. Could the featured artist on 1999 be Troye Sivan? Both of them did a "secret" shoot on the same day. 
    They were hanging out a lil while ago too. I mean, Troye was like 4 in 1999, but Charli was like 6 so idk.

  3. I’m not feeling the album cover. I was expecting something more colorfull. It’s so boring.. I get that it’s supposed to be simple but,, simple doesn’t mean good.

  4. REM has such potential. Beyoncé really did do it so much better. If they got rid of the annoying ass breathing sounds throughout the song (or just made them way quieter because they’re like, way too loud and basically ruin the song) and kept in that bridge from the Beyoncé version it would’ve been so much better. I didn’t even notice the breathing sounds at first but now I can literally not even listen to the song.

  5. Pageant Material’s so good too. High Time’s one of my favorite songs of her. She broke the “I like all genres except country” thing I got going. Tbh I just don’t like male country artists.





    I normally don’t like country music but miss yeehaw really got me emotional over a song with the line “Go on ride away, in your Silverado”.

    Her older work is very country, but her latest album Golden Hour is more pop-y. My favorite album released this year tbh.


  7. 0846227b5331621af8d68727f1fe7061.png

    hi.. im replacing all the files with the HQ ones bloomforyou uploaded yesterday and it's now seperate albums, someone please help

    Same thing happend to me, what worked for me was removing the mp3 tags and redoing them for the few songs that went into a seperate album. (Like, opening them with an mp3tag program and right clicking n clicking on “remove tags”). I’m not 100% sure if this will work for you tho, test it out with like 1 song and see if it works.

  8. This person's really out here pretending like they don't fully support Titanic's actions... You were saying different stuff a page back..


    Now how did that turn out <3

  9. I did not know about this when I got into her and while it does suck it changes nothing about how I still enjoy the character Poppy and its music.

    You know about it now though, yet here you are still doing the most defending literal abusers, saying how we should "seperate the artist from the art". You're literally still choosing to support abusers' "art".

  10. This is not about Moriah but about the act Poppy though and you guys make it impossible to discuss her.

    Girl, Moriah is Poppy. She plays the character. She sings the songs. And the creator of that character, Titanic, is an abuser. Stop trying to seperate the people from the character when they are literally behind that character.

  11. pm me! there’ve only been like three leaks though so do you wanna include mix rips too?

    i'd love that!!


    i just tried pm'ing, it said you cant receivce messages

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