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Posts posted by TrashMagiq

  1. Wait why do people think Chanel’s gonna come to AHS.. It could just be Madison.. both characters are fashionable. I love Scream Queens but Scream Queens is a comedy and an actual AHS/Scream Queens crossover would just ruin the season.

    I saw someone say on twitter that maybe Madison plays Chanel in Scream Queens in the AHS universe, which would be a nice touch, but Madison’s literally been in hell and is probably returning during the apocalypse. There could be a flashback though.

  2. I don't think that we'll see the witches in the next episode. There was another promo on tv in which we see Joan Collin walking in on Evan Peters's character (Mr.Gallant) getting fucked by someone. People are saying it's either the Rubber Man or Micheal Langdon. Both senarios will be fucked up since Evan played Tate in Murder House who wore the rubber suit & who also happens to be Micheal's father.


    Also Michael’s technically, like, 9

  3. “they mistook my kindness for weakness, i fucked up i know that but Jesus, can’t a girl just do the best she can?”


    just a fun little theory on this line. what if she’s speaking to her fans here? LFL was supposed to be for the fans, out of her kindness. but a lot of the fans trashed many of the songs on the album, but she really tried her hardest to make a sound she thought we would have loved. she did the best she could. but she apparently, in her eyes, fucked that up. and maybe the harsh lashbacks had made her think some were trying to weaken her down. and so she found a completely new producer to do something brand new.


    just a theory. it’s kindof interesting tbh. but definitely a reach lmao

    LFL was received well by critics and was generally loved on twitter. It’s not like the majority of people were calling this album trash and stuff like that. I highhhly doubt she would refer to making an album that just isn’t everyone’s favorite but is still liked as her “fucking up” and “doing the best she can”. The locals on twitter even loved Lust For Life way more than Honeymoon because LFL has more of a pop-ish sound.

  4. Out of My Head doesn’t feel like a Charli song to me tbh, it feels like an Alma song. The reason I don’t like it is probs just because I don’t like Alma’s voice.

  5. I really hope this season isn’t like Cult where there’s constant “comedic relief”. Leslie Grossman and Billie Eichner’s acting annoys me so much. I don’t mind campyness, but it’s just too much. I want Coven type campyness, or minimal comedic relief like in Roanoke where the season was serious but they had the “Are you familliar with the term gay for pay” thing.


    This season has all the potential to be the best season, I really don’t want them to fuck this up.

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