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Posts posted by TrashMagiq

  1. Errr I don't know how they will end the season and still make it connect to the other seasons. Like... where will the next seasons take place if they're not set in the past. Idk if that makes sense jfjdfj

    They'll probs go back in time and do something that leads to the apocalypse never happening. I highkey hope that won't happen tho, it'll be so predictable. 

  2. We literally have no proof any of these songs are scrapped, y’all just want them leaked. She literally just said that leaks are harmfull, even of scrapped songs, there’s always the possibility that she wants to sell those songs to other artists.

  3. This cast is so good, and that’s gonna be very bittersweet because someone’s going home every episode, ugh. I’m so happy that Latrice, Jasmine and Manila are back. It seems a bit soon for Monique and Monét to be doing All Stars but I’m still excited to see them in this lineup.

  4. I love the song. ANYWAY:


    "Generic" "Too generic" "Generic mess" "What happened to her music? She's too generic now"


    Please forgive her, you unique snowflakes. You only listen to unique and original music and artists, so please find a way to forgive Marina.

    Like, go back to your basements, ungrateful little rats.

    TL;DR: Having an opinion isn’t allowed, you unique snowflake


    Anyways, baby’s a bop, that look in red was a serve.

  5. I think leaks are harmless as long as the leaked songs are demor or scrapped songs (like r&r or the songs that were leaked in august)

    The only harmless leaks are demos/her versions of songs that are already released (like issues). Leaking scrapped songs can still be harmfull because she might sell them.

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