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Posts posted by TrashMagiq


    Omg critiquing something ≠ not liking it wtfffffff

    Girl it's not that deep, all I asked was if I was the only one who really likes the production on FROOT, and you were def not giving that impression by saying it all sounds like demos.

  2. remember when lana decided not to put 2 songs she was passionate about on the album because they wouldn’t fit in, despite the album not being cohesive at all


    justice for roses bloom for you

    dont rlly care about yosemite tbh because like idk her but justice for her too please

    also The Next Best American Record, never forget, got no clue it she was passionate about this song or not but like, it’s literally the best song from the LfL era and deserves justice. Also yes, it’s The Next Best American Record, she called it that so like shh, justice for TNBAR.

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