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Posts posted by TrashMagiq

  1. Ok, you guys can stop coming with minor things Lana did that lean towards ''controversial''. None of these examples even compare to her mimicking Sylvia Plath's death.


    Say your mother died from suicide, through a horrible act, and then 10 years later you see a random musician recreating it, saying it's fascinating or whatever, how would you fucking feel. People quick to call everyone ''overly sensitive pussies'' when they are a bunch of insensitive shits. Shut the fuck up

    yes because the 60s were 10 years ago

  2. I want Lana to make a music video for Sylvia and have it be a re-enactment of her death, kinda like what she did for national anthem - lana needs to stick her head in the oven- or have it as the single cover... there's something so haunting about the image

    This is such a concept, sadly current day Lana would never. I miss when she used to not give a fuck about coming off as “problematic”

  3. I wonder if she's talking about an actual album or an album labeled as a mixtape. I lowkey hope it's another mixtape so that she has more creative control over it, but I also hope it's an album so that we can get music videos and promo and all that.

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