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Posts posted by TrashMagiq

  1. imagine if it comes out in 3 days and she specifically chose to tease that exact part of the song to announce it in a teasing way im reaching ik but still

  2. I'm pretty sure we're talking about the fact that there's no promo, she hasn't released a single in 4 months, the one that she did won't successfully get the album anymore hype, she cancelled tour dates, she took a selfie for a cover, she even said herself she's lazy on instagram live. I mean at least every other album had some interviews and shit. I know I'll be attacked for my opinion on this, but it's because of fans that settle for crumbs she throws at us that she becomes lazier and lazier. If she really doesn't give a fuck then she can just make an album and surprise release it. No need for hype when the artist couldn't even care less

    The singles are for the fans tho, they aren’t actual single singles, they don’t need promo. She dropped Venice Bitch and MAC so early on because she just wanted to put them out at the end of summer. The interviews and promo and all that are probs coming once the actual lead single drops. We don’t know why she cancelled some shows, I highly doubt t’s because she just doesn’t care.

  3. Lana: drops 3 singles with no promo for the fans before dropping the official lead single

    y’all: this is so fucking lazy, this is a fuck you to the fans, this is a slap to the face, a hate crime, it’s like she just spat in our faces and laughed about it. you see that HIADTFAWLMTH-BIHI cover? that’s her face after she spat in our faces. she hates us. her lazyness is taking over, this era is such a fucking mess. i hate her.

  4. This era hasn’t been as messy as y’all make it out to be. The reason why it’s “messy” is because there’s this constant ongoing thing where people get mad at Lana for not doing things that haven’t been confirmed at all/getting mad about stuff y’all just randomly made up like her not dropping a single she announced even tho she literally did drop the single. She also hasn’t said anything about premiering anything on BBC Radio. She dropped 3 singles so far with no promo because they aren’t actually single singles. They’re just singles for the fans she wanted to put out before dropping the actual lead single. The “music videos” were just some visuals to go with the songs. The only messy thing was her not clarifying if MAC was the lead single or not.

  5. The march 29 date makes sense if she hasn’t dropped the lead single yet. Like, the singles she’s dropped so far are probs on the album, but the era hasn’t fully started yet. She still has to drop a lead single (unconfirmed). Maybe then the visuals and promo will start to come in. I said this before, it makes more sense that the era actually “starts” once the Gucci thing is happening. But also we already got 3 songs, if she’s gonna drop more singles untill the 29th we’ll have like half the album already.

  6. ... can you remind me what you think it means again ... ?

    you’re choosing idealism over realism. both have their place in music but one doesn’t exist without the other. in my opinion, these lyrics call for (and reference) a real situation, with real people. it doesn’t seem to call for an abstract interpretation. of course, none of us can know with total certainty. so to say with emphasis and authority that it ‘isnt’ about azealia is sort of inappropriate without any receipts

    saying it isnt about azealia is just using your brain

  7. why racist? drawing or referencing stereotypes isn't racist. her narcissism has nothing to do with being black -- its a simple signifier. the 'shaking my ass' line is cutting it kind of close however, i will admit


    the way she says “black narcissist” and specifically stating that she’s black gives racist vibes, but again, it literally isnt about AB, the line wasn’t racist, people are Reaching untill their arms rip off

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