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Everything posted by aGlassShipThatCanFly

  1. I hope this is one of the many mysteries solved on December 7, 2022. I'd like it if Lana, Ben, etc. were all consistent in saying either LDR9 or LDRX so we don't debate this for the next hundred years
  2. Welcome back the thread has exploded in insider teases (fake and real alike), double album speculation, flower analysis, and horniness Delulucember is the time to be
  3. story tella stormi weatha god has cursed you baaaaaaaaaaby
  4. I missed this, sorry 👑 Elle!! OT: I wonder what if any teases Neil and Lana have in store for us today
  5. True. I just want concrete information, I’m too impatient to wait for Wednesday. Really needing that @111exclusive right about now
  6. Here is what they said last night about LDR9/X: I've explained this but again. some elements strings. Do u like violin, cello? dark lyricism 60s influenced psychedelic guitar black and white glamour. all of u are going to have a heart attack They also listed off songs like UV, Cruel World, VB, MAC, MTWBT, Freak, WC as similar sounding to the new album. Obviously sounds like an absolute dream….maybe too good to be true?
  7. Inchresting. And what about the whore? I noticed you didn’t say anything about them
  8. On an iPhone if I remember right (or maybe that was a LB joke). Also, I doubt they knew at the time of shooting which would make the final cut as album cover? I’d imagine Neil was invited to the music video set to take photos and see what they could create together. At the end of the day Lana saw that random pic from a lunch break on Charlie’s camera roll and said “yep that’s the one“
  9. wait remember back in the summer when the hairdresser or makeup artist was teasing some shoot with Lana over Fourth of July weekend? I hope we get to see that soon
  10. When LDRX turns out to be her greatest hits collection
  11. Please he will just say soon again with a rocket and sparkle emoji
  12. Delulucember is causing mass h word in this thread
  13. They know they have another masterpiece to reveal ala Honeymoon, UV
  14. 69 variants so she can pay for her Denny’s and Home Depot projects
  15. Lana, Neil and @DragonWhore feeding us all at once
  16. Lana and Neil can’t edge us like this and then go dark the next couple days. We have to be getting a glimpse of SOMETHING this weekend!
  17. LDR9 titled The Rose Garden harkening back to Burnt Norton Interlude giving dreamy ethereal glamour
  18. We won. Do you know how many producers are on the album?
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