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About aGlassShipThatCanFly

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  1. She should take back control of the narrative and post the pre-order tonight rather than 7/30
  2. Just when the hype starts to die down a bit in here hope delulu is renewed
  3. I Hope she changed the album title to "Has Anyone Else Died For You?"
  4. 1000% confirmed well it's over. We're probably getting some Tough screen printed tee that will ship spring 2025
  5. If we trust our insider, the label rushed to put Tough out after seeing the demand on social media. I think Lana has proven longevity at this point and a lead single wouldn't mess with her streams too much in the bigger picture.
  6. I'm really not sure who she is. Looks to be a singer. Her IG stories says she is headed to LA I admit this is delulu even for me
  7. I haven't kept up with it so could be. The photo does look a bit off
  8. Also, someone pointed out the other day annadaleyyoung on IG posted "big announcement coming this month" with a photo of Lana in her post. She's used "on our way" in a caption recently, too. Could be absolutely nothing or could be something
  9. Say Yes to Heaven (Sped Up) With More Speed coming August 9
  10. IF (and a huge if) we get an album announcement July 30 then I guess it's possible we could get LDR10 in September but October seems more likely. Funny how @ / pinsider_ on twitter posted yesterday Lana is filming a music video in the fall and now we get this tidbit of info today. Maybe something processed on the labels end the last few days and things are circulating to a wider circle hence the couple of leaks? I don't know a thing about how this all works so I'm just theorizing
  11. You are the true insider queen this era, thank you for your services
  12. Honestly, I'll take it and run if it means we get out of this annoying dry spell Even if nothing comes of it, it feels good to be delulu again
  13. Extremely reliable insider @ / pinsider_ on twitter: Lana Del Rey is set to film a new music video this fall 🚨
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