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Posts posted by aGlassShipThatCanFly

  1. 3 hours ago, PatentLeatherDoOver said:



    Lana Del Rey’s latest studio record is a stunning reflection of all her many shades—the dark, the delicate, and undeniably enigmatic. 

    The self-titled record opens with the gorgeous Death Never Came: a powerful punctuation to the narrative paved by Born To Die and Lust For Life.

    “In the smog of the morning, I’d dig my own grave/Only to rise and then find/My death never came.” In the final chorus, her voice soars on the last word, bleeding into a small crying of strings and almost whimsical ambient. 

    The record is imbued with this somberness, but it doesn’t seem to weigh the singer-songwriter down. The opening track swims into the almost sinisterly sarcastic Orchids From A Friend, a track both sonically reminiscent of the work on Portishead’s Dummy and Del Rey’s own debut record as well. 

    She closes the record with “The Walls Whisper My Name,” leaving the listener with more questions than answers, shrouding herself in a larger-than-life sense of mystery that permeated her early works like Honeymoon. 


    Her 9th studio record is one of her best, so brace yourself: it’s a thrilling ride from start to finish. 

    I’m completely in love with this :oprah:

  2. 1 hour ago, Ocean Boulevard said:

    A reminder she announced HBTB on a sunday and posted a HBTB still before she deactivated her social media. So what I mean with that is that we getting an announcement today,  it's the only logical conclusion my last three remaining delulu driven brain cells can come up with :true:

    There have been so many references to HM the last year and a half from her. I hope it means something for the sound and aesthetic of LDR9 and not just Lana being ~random silly goose~

  3. 3 hours ago, cherrytropico said:

    Let me summarize everything they said: 


    There will be two collabs, one male and one female. One collab will be liked, the other not so much. 


    The album will sound familiar but also new/experimental. It won’t be similar to COCC/BB.  At the same time, it’s not going to be Honeymoon 2.0, just reminiscent of it.  


    The lyrics are honest, cutting, and heartfelt, with a touch of mysticism and heavy symbolism. 


    The imagery is cold in a gothic way, rich and luxurious as well. It won’t be witchy, but a bit mystical. 🌫 


    The theme won’t be happy, it will be personal and reflect her past year, aswell as something from the past. Won’t be as sad but for sure it will be thought provoking.


    We will be getting SOMETHING this year, most likely a single or some other surprise. Album will come in the 1st quarter of 2023, as we know. Most likely around spring. 


    There will be a lot of tracks and a deluxe version with 15+ tracks. 


    There will be an unreleased song on it, one that fans love. Most likely Yes To Heaven. 


    There will be chaos with how fans receive the album. The album is gonna have a new sound, some fans might think it’s her best, others might brush it off. 


    The vinyl will be blood red. 🩸 


    There won’t be a big tour but she’ll do small shows.  

    Regardless of this being true or not, I LOVE ALL OF THIS:godlaugh: 

  4. 26 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    I don't think the problem is that it is meaningless, it's more like it's too predictable for Lana. She's probably going to change the structure of the verse and fit 24 words in the same sentence :hide:

    Storyteller when I told you at the bar that I don't drink anymore but someone at the grocery store told me I was sweet

    Wait this reminded me of a caption she posted on IG soon after BB was released about a gas station clerk saying something profound to her. I remember thinking she was definitely going to be using the anecdote in a poem or a song :omfg2:

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