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Posts posted by rollwithme

  1. Nosebleed is the ugliest title but the best track of all the 360 brat leaks


    her flow reminds me so much of 2017 charli I hope the new album keeps that same direction

  2. So I was worried about this with George doing production on her songs but his production is all over the drop in In The City and it’s almost the exact same from the Welcome To My Island remix.


    I would love to be proven wrong, but it doesn’t seem George has a lot of range in his production compared to someone like AG. And I’m worried for his involvement on the new album.

  3. My opinion on Sam is I’ve never liked a song they’ve been featured on. It’s not that I think this single will be bad, it’s just that Sam’s verse (from what we’ve heard) doesn’t add anything to the track to make it better as a collab.


    what could have been a great track might only be just ~good~ now

  4. 2 hours ago, iamjocelyn said:

    the absolute zero hype in the city is getting i wonder of people even know she's releasing that song


    I’m sure once there’s an actual date announced + artwork there will be more hype

  5. 3 hours ago, AtomicMess said:

    This whole opinion is exhausting to me. Idk why.


    Is what I'm feeling when I read this what most of y'all feel when I write something?


    If so, I apologize, and will try to be less.





    Imma need a TLDR summary before I mentally commit to reading all that

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