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Posts posted by rollwithme

  1. 2 hours ago, eyelovelefteye said:

    She literally said she was trying to put out Descending a few months ago… you know nothing about the industry if you think any artist, let alone one in a 360 deal, has any say when their material comes out. She’s not a priority to them and hasn’t been since Obsession didn’t take off. As someone who watched the trajectory since 2010 I wouldn’t expect the Don’t Forget video

    There have been insiders that have claimed otherwise, contradicting that post about Descending as well as what you are claiming here. But their claims are just as factual as your conjectures are.


    At the end of the day we don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes outside of what Sky tells us. And she’s kept us in the dark with no explanation of what’s really going on with the album and what this tour even means, if it means anything.


  2. 1 hour ago, eyelovelefteye said:

    The label decides.. it’s blatant they’ve shelved her, it happens to artists all the time. It’s exactly what’s been happening with all the records she’s made under capitol & didn’t get to put out before As If-Night Time. Night Time was a major FINALLY moment for the fans, it’s a miracle it ever even saw the light of day. Given her outspokenness & the antiquated misogynistic mindset the execs at one of the world’s biggest labels have (the office in LA is beyond superfluous and massive) it fully feels like a power position for not playing the game the way they’ve wanted her to since Obsession

    I am fully willing to believe this if Sky communicates that to us but ever since the Don’t Forget roll out (if you can call it one) she hasn’t given us any transparency on the delays other than she fired the DF video editor because she didn’t like how it came out and is doing it herself - never to be mentioned again.

  3. Can someone make a sign for the next show that says “What happened to Don’t Forget music video?” so we can get a muttered response on stage as to where the video is

  4. We love to see it honestly let’s try and keep her relevant outside of these performances.

    Whatever it takes - if it’s gotta be something crazy like the Free Sky movement, then that’s just the way it’s gonna have to be :oprah3:

  5. 33 minutes ago, rancidgirl said:

    i just added the AMLD snippet to my masterpost after no leaks for 6 months HOW ARE WE DOING LANABOARDS WOOOOOWOWOOWOOOOWOOOO

    Can u link the master post?

  6. 1 hour ago, poetic jess said:

    Fuck Elon Musk. We finally get recordings of a recent performance from her and I can’t see it bc of Twitter. :crossed:

    Anyway, glad to hear she’s doing better. I’m still not getting my hopes up for new music tho.

    Twitter web has worked for me when the official Twitter app doesn’t if that helps!

  7. 3 hours ago, Kurt said:

    Pretty Dull was on the setlist for this session…



    … but naturally, it didn’t get uploaded (or she didn’t perform it at all) :rip:


    We could’ve had a professionally recorded performance of the song but we STAY losing :rip:


    I could’ve gone my entire life without knowing this terrible fact but u had to go and ruin my day

  8. 1 hour ago, Kristian Karlsson said:

    Did she ever perform Pretty Dull besides that one time in a LA bar in 2012?

    I think she might have performed it 1 other time from what I can remember but I can’t find any evidence online anywhere.


    the only video footage we have is definitely from that date in LA tho

  9. Everything is Embarrassing- not sure what the sign says that she picks up but if it’s free sky or something like the caption says….lol

    Edit: they confirmed the sign says “Free Sky Ferreira”



    some photos

    she is looking more confident tonight than last night


    Voices Carry


    Nobody Asked Me & Everything is Embarrassing


  10. I wouldn’t say no to some nice and crispy videos of Don’t Forget, Night Time My Time, and Omanko.


    hopefully the icon razorstarzz comes thru for the LA shows

  11. 1 hour ago, Chorli Xbox said:
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    Charli just went live and talked about her confusion on the good reception of Speed Drive. She also confirmed she lied about not working on an album now (she's working on a new album) and that it sounds "nothing like Speed Drive, it sounds very clubby".


    She meant lying about not working on the album when she started the 360 brat thing? Or was she talking about not working on the album while she’s in Italy for vacation?

  12. 49 minutes ago, AllForYou said:

    I feel like a lot of people are forgetting it’s for a soundtrack and for a movie that’s going really heavy on marketing (so it needs to be tiktok friendly) like yes I’d be mad if she dropped a sub 2m single for an album but that’s not what this song is for at all. 

    Charli has made it clear that she doesn’t write music to be “TikTok friendly”


    it’s more likely they sent her the car chase scene and she wrote the song specifically for the scene which will not be more than 2 minutes (probably less) in the movie itself

  13. 53 minutes ago, DinahLee said:

    tbh I have no idea of how NTMT Copyright works but if it is in Capitol hands and they skip the opportunity of repressing the album for the 10th anniversary and make some easy money (i'm literally saying just repress the original album)..............  they truly hate her. Not only the Vinyl resurgence but the DEMAND from fans and general people who enjoy the record and how it has been out of print since 2014...................


    If it's on her own hands then...... good luck.


    She did a great job with the show it seems.

    If they drop the ball on the repress, I think we should storm the Capitol


    Some locals should at least protest with some signs

  14. Full performances of Guardian, Hands All Over Me, Innocent Kind, and Descending from someone who went. If anyone needs a mirror link for download I can try to upload them somewhere if needed!




    Hands All Over Me:


    Innocent Kind:




  15. 36 minutes ago, Air said:

    Omg descending sounds beautiful again aaa, glad she got rid of the obnoxious production



    As soon as those sunglasses come on you can tell she’s about to serve

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