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Everything posted by rollwithme

  1. Ok but was the title confirmed Pretty Dull or Doll? I’ve always assumed it was Doll but fans decided to name it Dull from the lyrics
  2. There have been insiders that have claimed otherwise, contradicting that post about Descending as well as what you are claiming here. But their claims are just as factual as your conjectures are. At the end of the day we don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes outside of what Sky tells us. And she’s kept us in the dark with no explanation of what’s really going on with the album and what this tour even means, if it means anything.
  3. I am fully willing to believe this if Sky communicates that to us but ever since the Don’t Forget roll out (if you can call it one) she hasn’t given us any transparency on the delays other than she fired the DF video editor because she didn’t like how it came out and is doing it herself - never to be mentioned again.
  4. Can someone make a sign for the next show that says “What happened to Don’t Forget music video?” so we can get a muttered response on stage as to where the video is
  5. “Hopefully” girl what the hell are u talking about like u don’t decide the release
  6. Can she just release an EP with the 7 known Masochism songs and call it a day
  7. So what was the set list tonight?
  8. We love to see it honestly let’s try and keep her relevant outside of these performances. Whatever it takes - if it’s gotta be something crazy like the Free Sky movement, then that’s just the way it’s gonna have to be
  9. Ready for night 3 New York ferraris?
  10. Can u link the master post?
  11. rollwithme

    Charli XCX

    Y’all be on some random shit in this Charli thread
  12. Twitter web has worked for me when the official Twitter app doesn’t if that helps!
  13. I could’ve gone my entire life without knowing this terrible fact but u had to go and ruin my day
  14. I think she might have performed it 1 other time from what I can remember but I can’t find any evidence online anywhere. the only video footage we have is definitely from that date in LA tho
  15. Everything is Embarrassing- not sure what the sign says that she picks up but if it’s free sky or something like the caption says….lol Edit: they confirmed the sign says “Free Sky Ferreira” some photos she is looking more confident tonight than last night Voices Carry Nobody Asked Me & Everything is Embarrassing
  16. Apparently she ran out of merch for tonight
  17. I wouldn’t say no to some nice and crispy videos of Don’t Forget, Night Time My Time, and Omanko. hopefully the icon razorstarzz comes thru for the LA shows
  18. rollwithme

    Charli XCX

    She meant lying about not working on the album when she started the 360 brat thing? Or was she talking about not working on the album while she’s in Italy for vacation?
  19. https://krakenfiles.com/view/2RL4WSPg2m/file.html
  20. rollwithme

    Charli XCX

    You can believe what u want but she said it herself in the last Q&A she did here https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct6ugriIaMl/?img_index=1&igshid=YmQ5MjYyNzNkNQ==
  21. rollwithme

    Charli XCX

    Charli has made it clear that she doesn’t write music to be “TikTok friendly” it’s more likely they sent her the car chase scene and she wrote the song specifically for the scene which will not be more than 2 minutes (probably less) in the movie itself
  22. If they drop the ball on the repress, I think we should storm the Capitol Some locals should at least protest with some signs
  23. My sole purpose on this earth is to like every post that mentions Pretty Dull
  24. Full performances of Guardian, Hands All Over Me, Innocent Kind, and Descending from someone who went. If anyone needs a mirror link for download I can try to upload them somewhere if needed! Guardian: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuGYflrOv4W/?igshid=Y2I2MzMwZWM3ZA== Hands All Over Me: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuGZialrHxs/?igshid=Y2I2MzMwZWM3ZA== Innocent Kind: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuGac_PtEom/?igshid=Y2I2MzMwZWM3ZA== Descending: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuGa3errg1Y/?igshid=Y2I2MzMwZWM3ZA==
  25. Another show tonight let’s do it again
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