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Posts posted by rollwithme

  1. where the hell is ya'll listening?! it's not on leakthis or XcJ yet... :biblio:

    Get a vpn set it to nz and make a Spotify account so you can stream it properly and give Charli her coins (if this isn’t allowed to say pls let me know and I will delete)

  2. choli covered the 1975 in the live lounge



    omg!!!! is there a video? I just know this will be the sequel to her amazing cover of don’t delete the kisses

  3. Since this thread is dead atm can we talk about how great of a curator Charli is?


    Because of her I’ve discovered so many amazing artists and it's enough to where I'm not constantly waiting for her next release because I have so much to listen to while I wait.


    (stream Ocean of Tears by Caroline Polacheck aka the queen of tear related songs)

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