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Posts posted by rollwithme

  1. The kettle noise breakdown on the original p4u was my least favorite part of the song, I'm so glad she got rid of all that. final p4u>>>

    The final p4u is better as a more complete song but even if you don’t like the kettle noise part, the drop after the first chorus is still a bop

  2. Can we just comment (not harass) for charli to include the original party 4 u in her demo drop I’m worried that she thinks we don’t need the original

  3. I’m curious I wanna see everyone’s choices from HIFN:


    Best: party 4 u

    Worst: i finally understand

    Best is party 4 u or anthems


    I can’t really say my worst because I really like them all and my favorites change all the time


    I can confidently say that Out of My Head was the worst on Pop 2 so I think HIFN might be my favorite project because of no bad songs

  4. Like I know this is Charli and what she does, but this quote makes no sense... the Janet album wasn't coming til September anyways? So surely she could just pick up where she left off

    I think that was before she could prove to her label that she could release an album quickly and have it still be good. I have a feeling she never really wanted to wait until September to drop it.

  5. It makes me also worry that she’ll just forget about the Janet album because she may not be into the songs as much after all this is over if HIFN ends up being a hit

    Called it....sadly

  6. I haven’t seen anyone really talking about this but the visualizer video Charli posted for Pink Diamond fucking goes off and is just as good as a music video it captures the vibe so perfectly

  7. I think Charli has made it clear that any song she plays that sounds like a club banger in a live DJ set she will never release because she likes the teasing and the hype it gets


    Plus all those types of songs she’s never really released on any sort of project because they always stand out as very different from the tracks on whatever project she’s working on and don’t ever seem like they would fit in


    The only chance we have ever is if the other collaborator releases (umru, Sophie, etc) it on their own or it leaks

  8. PC Music after party on zoom around 9pm est featuring a ton of people (umru, Felicita, etc) if anyone wasn’t able to get in the the one going on now


    Hoping felicita plays plasma again

  9. this is... beautiful.

    So... What are the scrapped tracks?

    Looks like: pictures in my mind (might be visions), i hate all this gravity, 2Hot, if I cried

  10. I really hope charli just ignores all this unnecessary drama instead of addressing it. Once the album comes out people will get over it and move on to the next nonissue.

  11. “she can keep it, we don’t need a remix of an already released song” oh shut up... it suits the quarantine album SO much. She wrote new lyrics how she misses her clique. It gives a fresh touch to the song and is super relatable. I love it so much. It might be one of her cutest songs. :ohno:


    also I reminder you the album was originally 10 tracks. Yesterday it was 11 tracks. Now it’s probably going for 14 tracks. I don’t think the click remake is going to replace anything.

    The lyrics are nice but it sounds too sonically similar to the original click imo not my cup of tea but that’s me

  12. She just came into an Angels Zoom meeting and played C2.0! I was there. It had like high pitched Kim vocals from Click and is like a Click 2.0 with new verses from Charli and the beat and everything was different. IT WAS AMAZING!!!


    This makes no sense but whatever it was fucking sick


    Edit: someone tweeted it https://twitter.com/gwynethpalthoe_/status/1259270868909412352?s=21

    “She said it was just a demo, and it was a Click demo which served as a 'remix' of it, Kim's vocals were chopped and sprinkled throughout the song”


    She can keep it tbh we don’t need to waste tracklist space on a song that doesn’t bring anything new to the table

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